
Conan has been a gift to the world that continues on giving plentifully.

Oh I can imagine those discussion about what Elisabeth would have done and I think that in addition that fascinating question the game raises, it is a sign of how good of a job the studio did with her as a character. It would have been really easy to just make her a saint, and don’t get me wrong as she was clearly a

On a personal gaming side, finished Horizon Forbidden West yesterday and started kicking along Burning Shores. Naturally massive spoilers follow.

I’m really torn as this looks in certain ways an interesting project and Bale is one of my favorite actors.

Just a late comment as I just got to the Arena and now understand far better you criticism. It is still Arena specific, but I don’t understand the design choices there.

I get where this criticism is coming from and while I am generally having a blast with the game, I do also think certain decisions regarding combat have made the experience more ardeous.

Man, I almost started to write here moments of great build from HZD as examples of what an achievement that game was.

With Horizon Forbidden West finally on PC, been having a blast with all the neat stuff in the game. Only just arrived to desert as have been doing everything in the previous areas.

So looking forward to this series and the way it will flesh out Gotham.

While I know that this doesn’t matter in the world of tech and people inflicting harm on themselves to protect Trump, I have yet to see a credible market analyst make sense of the estimated merger value for Truth social. Based on every metric it is actually doing continuously worse now than it was even six months ago.

Yeah, it was just baffling. Especially the intensity and sheer righteousness of it without anyone being to explain why. Like it was just accepted as everyone should do it.

I completely agree with the statement, although it naturally goes without saying that it also doesn’t reflect what the quality of the show itself will be.

This brought me back memories of No Mutants Allowed. Never a member, just stumbled across it once.

I’ve watched the performance so many times already and still giggle with glee during it. Also whoever came up with putting Billie Eilish behind Gosling at the start deserves a bonus as there was something absolutely heartwarming in watching her barely keeping herself together there.

I’ve already watched that cold open ScarJo a couple of times and keep just noticing new things that she’s doing there.

Esoteric is the kindest word I would use for the Dune books after Messiah. However, out of genuine curiosity, is it true that Herbert wrote Messiah in response to people misunderstanding the first book?

Yeah, I also found the discussion on the dynamics most fascinating. Also respect to how well the article was written as it would have been really easy to start speculating how Bobby being the only of the five finding consistant success outside the Queer Eye was potentially impacting those group dynamics.

Not only do I completely agree with, but with treacherous about that worldview is that it is easy to explain. A formula can be replicated, thus if you want to bet big money on a project, you want there to be as much certainty as possible. Hell, getting a good film requires so many small things to go right, let alone

Chuckled about Oppenheimer not making the list of blockbusters with taste, but got the point. Also a Hell Yeah about including the Batman there as that film needs more credit about the sheer guts it did with certain choices.

But that kind of relates to my initial point as in order to do the sequel, the changes here require even more large changes down the line that can’t just be waved away.