
So while trying desperately to avoid going into storyline details, not only did WB see Suicide Squad as that next big thing, on the gaming side they seemed to have been so certain of it that they decided to utterly destroy the Arkham Trilogy conclusion to give them an extra boost.

Hell, and this doesn’t even touch on the Batman reaction of it all.

On the latter part, what I find so hilarious about the antagonism against romances is that it’s not like having them in the game removes any other parts of the game. However, just reading through the comments here, having them apparently excludes having any other kinds of relationships in games and just change the

I saw someone make an excellent point that the fundamental issue with the AI generated dialogue is that it lacks intent. Like an author when writing those kinds of scenes has a sense of context and how those interactions are supposed to contribute to the larger whole, even more so if the NPC has meaning for the plot.

While I wasn’t that blown away by the gameplay/animation, which actually felt off to be honest, I do think the approach of having the action focusing on first-person is really smart. It gives the game a different feel than the Tomb Raider reboot games, which are going to be the natural comparison for this game.

Once again completely agreed with everything written here. And funnily I thought the same about this being a very Owlcat game, but to me it was more due to this continuous confusion I have with the studion in that I don’t know who do they consider their target audience. Not core audience, but who are the people they

I had this revelation today as I was thinking about the game as with both Kingmaker and WotR, deeply fond of both of them even with their flaws, despite starting the games when they game out, I only finished them about a year later with a couple of restarts in the middle.

Not only agreeing with all of this, as well as the other comment about the bug situation, but I’d argue the barrier for entry with this game is much higher than it was with the other Owlcat games.

That headline alone catches what made this episode work for me to the degree it did. The writing knew what it had with Driver, so they just went weird in a delightful manner knowing that the man would be willing to commit to everything.

The “us” in that “I don’t think you actually protect us” is doing a ton of work. Majority of what it shouldn’t in normal discussion.

To add to this, I am still stunned that they literally stated this is in the same universe than the Arkham games.

Same, although I’d argue that in a good MMO they don’t feel that empty because they are full of other players.

At least they are focusing on the more intriguing locations in the location.

Watching the clips from this interview, and by the way have to give props to Sorkin how he handled the questioning, it feels painfully clear that Musk hasn’t been an environment where someone challenges his answers in a long while. He just seemed stymied when Sorkin had a follow-up question and the crowd wasn’t

I’m almost surprised by it, but seems like Hunger Games is about to turn a profit. Didn’t see that one being the winner of this release window coming.

At the moment there’s a real danger that the Marvels box office is not going to even reach its budget numbers. Meanwhile Wish is just plummeting hard with little indication that word of mouth is going to help it like happened with Elemental.

For me, my lack of this optimism, if that is the right word, is that I don’t the MCU storytelling was ever that nimble. Don’t get me wrong, I think there was a novelty there and there was a deeply admirable in the pure ambition of what they were attempting. However, simultaneously, you could see the building of the

Haven’t seen a post this annoyed with basic math in a few years.

Yeah, I think Frakes could direct a completely fine Marvel movie.

The weird thing is that I almost feel the movies would be better if they just got a standard director. Like not a hack, but one of those steady hands, because at that point at least the movies would feel consistent. Hell, that’s pretty much the road to the final Avengers films.