
By the way, and this is rather related to the USWNT situation at large, it is kind of awkward as as many postmortems that has been written about it and why this tournament happened like it did, this team is a really difficult to really dissect. And I’m not claiming that I have some idea of the truth, rather that there

Don’t know if you watched the game, but it wasn’t by one point. Which don’t actually exist in soccer anyway.

By the way, regarding Rapinoe actually in this tournament, I could not fathom why they put her on the field in tight games. Like I get wanting to give a legend their due, but when she was swapped into game against both Portugal and now against Sweden, it felt like just voluntarily severely handicapping yourself. Which

The amount of hatred exploding after the US towards Megan Rapinoe has been absolutely astonishing. Like, yeah, there’s some towards the team in general, but especially bashing her how she finally got that karmic justice... For having progressive opinions and talking about them? And this isn’t just in the US, like

For all that can be said about the movies on this list, Lesbian Vampire Killers is still the one that stoods out to me as the most astonishingly bad.

Not related to the main topic here, apologies on that, but they are making a prequel show about the Rats? I mean why? This just seems like utterly random, especially since they haven’t even had enough of a presence on the main show to know how popular or well-received they are.

Yeah, I got to be honest. Everything I’ve read about that particular situation makes Sapkowski come across as a huge dick. And I am not even that fond of CDPR management.

I understood that the underwater shot was done as an artistic choice, it just created an unnecessary transition. Although here I will push back on your defense as I have never seen that used before. I have seen them do the deep water shot to indicate someone having fallen into the sea and then seeing them on the beach

Yeah, pretty much this.

So you didn’t actually bother reading the actual linked article, did you?

I’d add with Cruise that while that Oprah interview is probably meant here, it’s not actually what people think it is. He isn’t manic in it and even the couch jumping thing is clearly done in jest there.

Yeah. What makes this article weirder is that it references the longer NYT article that discussed the matter with a lot more nuance. There some of the interviewers pushed back on just accepting the biological factors, but there it was immediately followed by longer exploration into how those societal factors are

It might have been, but even then the bigger issue I had was the deep water shot. Which was beautiful, but just made the sequence even more confusing.

Oh, the casting is overall really good, even if the hater in me does consider Yen overall miscast.

Went read that opinion piece and just wanted to give a compliment for such a well written analysis. Great work.

It’s a fair interpretation among us intellectually less gifted and would not be surprised if that is what ends up being.

This so encapsulates one of my key issues with the show. Very few characters in it feel like actual people in the way interact with things or the choices they make.

It doesn’t help here that the split was super weird. Like, and I’m not exaggarating here, the second part was essentially a three episode prologue to Season 4.

Yeah, it was bizarre. I actually initially thought that the second half was also five episodes as the first two episodes were basically long setups.

As an addendum, I really apologize the length of the following list. It is just that the latter half had so many hilariously stupid moments that I just feel the burning need to list some, and this is just some, of them: