
Regarding that final revelation of Ciri calling herself Falka, I had assumed it implied that her body had been taken over by Falka after Ciri rejected her powers. Largely because of how the show depicted it as a massive cliffhanger, which would have been weird if it was just Ciri calling herself something else, and

That second part of the third season was such a wild ride that I’m still recovering from watching. Don’t get me wrong, definitely not in a good sense, but rather that it kept making insane choices.

As kind of a more curiosity question, does anyone know which actor getting sick affected the scripts that much? Because at the top of my head can’t really fit that to any of their storylines abruptly going weird.

Jesus Christ just reading through that was so insane that for a moment I was worried that I was having a stroke.

I read that part through so many times in astonishment. I mean, if we take his comments at face value, he seems like a nightmarish person to have a discussion with.

Few things summarized to me the unintentional hilarity of the mid-season finale than when the scenes switched and we could hear the performer sing how everything was not at it seemed. Meanwhile the following scenes revealed that everything was pretty much exactly what we thought them to be.

One of the cardinal sins of this show is how convinced it is about its own cleverness. Not even that they think that they can pull things off, but that they seem to consider it one of their big strengths. As a result they lean even more heavily on the political stuff that is necessary, in the process making everything

Haven’t watched the second half of the third season yet, I will drag myself through it, but I will admit of being a little bit heartbroken by the reviews so far. Don’t get me wrong, I think the show ran off the cliff during Season 2 and majority of the first half of Season 3 was mind-numbingly dumb, but I realized

There are so many hilarious parts in those reactions, although Ted Cruz somehow coming to the conclusion that the film is somehow kissing up to the Chinese government (????) is the most mystifying. Like did he at all explain how?

By the way, as a general comment, I can’t believe that one of Ryan Gosling’s greatest film performances so far is... Ken in the Barbie movie? And I’m not even joking there?

It really hit me as huge a movie this would be when I went to watch this on Friday in my home country. First, all the showings for Friday had basically sold out to the degree that the cinema added a new showing in a pretty large theater. Which was where I managed to get a ticket and even it was pretty full despite

I still have Oppenheimer left to go watch, but man these past two weeks have been a true bounty of moviegoing as I adored Mission Impossible and was endlessly astonished by Barbie. So ready to sit to be absorbed into this.

I can’t stop listening to “I’m just Ken”. Not the least as the scene where it played in the movie was just magnifique.

On Mass Effect 3 ending, it’s kind of weird as I never disliked it. The original one was weird as suddenly the Normandy is in an Eden world without any explanation and was in slight awe of the Extended Ending as it managed to expand on the endings while remaining faithful to what they were. That was for me always an

Jesus Christ on those records. Although on the touring record, apparently the expectation is that Coldplay’s and Beyonce’s tours will break it, but still to be the first one to pull this off.

Okay, in that misunderstood situation I get your point. I was specifically talking about the casting of Philippa Einhart in the context of presented by this article. In general I can unfortunately name multiple situations where there has been that backlash because of casting alone, which... You know, just makes you

As someone who is currently rewatching season 2, there’s some small things that the second season mentions that help with stuff in season 3, for example the fire mage not wanting to work for Nilfgard, but they are usually basically mentioned in passing. Like if you didn’t know exactly what was happening in Season 3,

So if you don’t know one way or another, what exactly are you arguing against me here? Especially because for the situation to be true, it would require a huge shift in attitudes while the show is running.

I mean do you have any statistics at all to support that that is what most people do? I’m basing my claim on how midseason breaks usually function. In addition, the audience scores I’ve seen for the first half of the third season haven’t exactly been spectacular.

It’s actually shocking how bad the fall during season 2 was. I’m currently slowly rewatching it with a friend who hadn’t seen it before and we just finished episode 5. I was genuinely taken back by how good that episode was, even if unnecessarily stupid at points, and how great the Geralt/Ciri/Triss/Vesimir stuff was.