
I’ll give a bit of a boost for the show as I thought the last episodes were better than the first three, but even then the fifth episode nearly insufferably smug. Like, and I’ve mentioned this here often, I think Witcher’s biggest problem is that the show thinks it is really smart and clever, which creates those

I’m not being sarcastic with the following. I have no idea what the point of that Bud Light comparison was, especially when you quoted the Philippa part. Seeing as my point was that they already did the diverse casting in season 1, and while there certainly were trashy fans back then, it is difficult to see how it

Yeah. I think the overt analysis of the drop is somewhat natural due to the Cavill departure, but in context this seems like a pretty decent retention.

With all that written, there is something I need to vent about this article and I apologize already advance about some of the things I am about to state.

I mean if a 30 % drop between seasons is that surprising for most shows, although I can’t claim to have some deep insight into Netflix numbers. So it could very likely just be a natural drop. Also it should be taken into notice that the gap between the two shows was pretty long and the Witcher prequel show they ran in

That looks really good, actually. Man, intrigued by this movie a lot.

I remember when the central premise of Witcher 3 was announced which caused me to go back to check how did the Witcher book series end.

Damnit, this makes my choice of character more complicated than I expected. I had been planning on making a Paladin, but there doesn’t seem to be one among the choosable characters.

It’s not even anachronisms, although we could spent a lot of time laughing about the costuming of the show, just that the dialogue is just absurd in that no one talks like that. And that’s not even touching on the plotting.

I didn’t realize they were bringing that system also to BG3.

Amusingly I too found myself comparing this to Wheel of Time and being shocked that WoT actually came up positive there.

By the way, unrelated to the general point here, I did find it really funny when during the fifth episode, during the final recollection of the ball, Geralt for the first time wonders if there was something suspicious about the guy who basically gave him a supervillain speech at the party.

I can’t imagine how the show survives without Cavill as he, along with Allan, are essentially carrying it at this point.

As a sidenote, and this leans on my loathing of Yen, but I can’t recall a fantasy epic romance in recent years that has failed as much for me than Geralt/Yen. Like there’s something almost desperate in how hard they want to the viewers to get invested in that ‘grand’ love story, but they are also leaning on stuff that

I just finished watching the first episode of the third season and man was that a doozy.

So I can’t comment on Jill exactly as I haven’t played the game yet, PS ports for PC takes ages y’all, but isn’t this actually a pretty consistent issue with Final Fantasy games in general? Like not dismissing that there is a bigger discussion to have about these kinds of things in gaming in general, and I do think it

I haven’t played the game, so the following question is quite genuine. Do you think that the article’s criticism of Jill’s presentation is disingenious throughout the whole game or are you arguing that there is that one mission when Jill doesn’t behave in that manner? As if the latter is your argument to dismiss, I

Seeing how Kraven got his powers in the trailer almost made me laugh hysterically.

Oddly this video, and the error in the victim’s account, actually makes it easier for me to believe the accuser’s story.

Well, he’s not the only one. I am aware of several sports stars who do this.