
I agree there being that better game there somewhere and, to be honest, that’s probably why it sticks to my mind as strongly as it does as it was suhc a weird experience at the end.

I have to admit, while acknowledging that tastes are subjective, seeing FF12 listed there really took me by surprise. I actively have to hold back on making a snarky comment about that as from a story perspective it was a pretty huge mess and had one of more complicated development histories of the games.

This one is kind of a ride. The central premise of Heat security guards just deciding to be active participants in McGregor’s sexual assault is kind of hard to believe. Yet at the same time, man is there a lot of smoke about McGregor at this point.

Great, and in many ways chilling, write-up by Peltz.

Kind of curious if they did that both because there really isn’t that much of the modern day stuff there as well as they kind of already did it once only to return to it again.

I don’t know why you would assume they are abandoning the present day storylines based on these trailers?

While overall I did think it was a neat presentation, man at this point I’m just feeling bad for the Skulls & Bones developers. Like that was... Something when nearing public beta.

But there’s the tragedy. So spoilers for Valhalla follow, for those who have not played the game.

While Mirage is the next big AC publication and I get that they are focusing on promoting that, I’m still a bit shocked that we didn’t get anything on AC Red or Hexe here. Maybe for the best, allows for a focused promotion, but still would have liked some more hints what those will be like.

Man, can’t recall when I was last this excited by a Star Wars game, but that looked really fun. Also I am glad that I was wrong as I was constantly prepared to groan when someone pulled out a lightsaber, but avoided that trap.

I’m so excited for this game. There’s just something going in and knowing what happens to Bastim that adds this sense of unavoidable tragedy. And I genuinely intrigued how the AC team will tell a story like that.

Yeah, if I recall correctly, but it was also a very different kind of game than Redfall and there was a better base to start building on.

Yeah, all those examples are vastly different as you mention.

Not to defend Redfall, I don’t really know why they would have included that game on a showcase about upcoming games?

Now, now. It’s not just alien tech. Is tracking multiple separate pieces of alien tech across the galaxy. Probably independent of each other. To unlock a gateway to some secret power.

While I’m not actually judging CDPR for charging that amount for a large DLC, what stood out to me that some of the stuff they are talking about as justifying the price actually sound more like updates and patches. Like the skill system in CP2077 is pretty broken, but they are putting the updated version behind a paid

Yeah, I agree on this being more exciting than the previous ones. While there were a lot of games still clearly far from release, there was at least this sense of interesting stuff coming out. There was also was more of a sense of trying new stuff and giving them a platform where it felt like they were something to

I continue to be perplexed by Senua sequel. I mean, I absolutely loved the first game, but can’t figure out what more could they exactly do with that story and character?

I instantly thought of Bioshock while watching this trailer, to the degree that I started wondering if I was remembering the studio name wrong.

That showcase was a lot and really left me feeling conflicted.