
To me, there is something really interesting how different trailer felt from the previous ones. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think there was some grand shift, but it was just weird how previously it was about the vastness and crafting while here they seemed to really want to give a sense of a cohesive narrative element

While was hoping for more gameplay footage, although that might be coming tomorrow, I really liked the tone the trailer set for the game. Left excited to see future content as it feels like it hit a nice approach while also hinting at some pretty epic big encounters there.

Okay, a bit of a misleading term chosen by me. By professionality I didn’t mean conduct, but that the level of quality of the group fitness instructors was on a different level from other gyms I’ve been to.

That was to me the most shocking revelation here.

The closer the third season draws, the more torn I am on if I am going to watch it or not.

Under the Waves looks gorgeous, will have to pay attention to that one.

Not only is this the truth, but I think there is this false sense of a ‘real’ gym that is the best place for everyone. In actuality different environments work for different people, as shocking a revelation as that is.

Man, I just can’t see how this show can continue without Cavill in that role.

What I find most staggering, and in many ways most telling, is that they could have easily gotten a female cowriter who would have been okay with this kind of stuff. Like they exist, not to judge them, and both the pay and the association would have been worth it.

What I still can’t get over, and I know I should not be stunned by it, was reading the description of the first episode where the main female character pushes against an onset intimacy coordinator about showing her body because it is ‘limiting her control over her own body.’

Okay, thanks for the correction. Obviously I had misunderstood.

Wasn’t the Necromancer already really overpowered compared to the other classes? At least I saw that commented on a lot, which is why I’m surprised by these changes.

This one is baffling. So as much as I dislike Zuck, there’s absolutely nothing wrong about losing consciousness during a fight. That’s just something that happens in combat sports and no legitimate gym or a fan would that consider that a negative. Especially if you are a novice stepping up in opponent level.

As the primary news should be the stellar performance of Spider-Verse, and delighted about it as I absolutely loved the film, that Fast X number is rough considering its budget. Especially since it doesn’t seem like the international markets are going to save it this time around. The estimate I saw was that it needed

“It’s not a problem.” had me rolling on the floor. Even if I wasn’t already intrigued by the film, that one line would have sold it to me completely.

I always forget that casting decision, which now feels really ugh. And then you could actually continue on from there on what was actually Kate’s character arc and how her role was to be the grand love interest for the true hero of the story.

When reading items like this, I always try to reflect back on the show and if you could see this in the product on screen. And with Lost, as already kind of pointed out here, dear Lord was it evident just on who the show chose to focus on as it went on. Like it had a diverse cast, especially for the time period, but

As I mentioned to the other commenter, fair point. I hadn’t seen the longer trailer and that gave me a better idea as well.

That’s a fair point and I actually did start thinking if they were to go for a DoW scale there. I looked up the longer trailer and it did remind me of DoW2/Retribution there, which I guess can be positive.

While looking forward to Rogue Trader and still surprised I am by the original Space Marine, that Age of Sigmar game is an intriguing one for multitude of reasons.