
I physically reeled when I hit the second part of Dancey’s response. Like while I thought the first part was deeply condescending and didn’t speak well of the man, at least I got the general point he was trying to make. The female designers he has heard pitches from are not for the kinds of games his company

Oh, Triss is such superior an option in Witcher 3 that is borderline hilarious.

By the way, for all the talk here about how the third season is about the great love story of Geralt and Yen, it’s really weird how bad the show has been with that aspect. Like I get that a large part of it is that they were a toxic relationship in the books, and they sure as hell continue to be that in the show, but

Whenever I’m reminded the third season of the Witcher is coming up soon, I keep having this same internal debate that if I am going to watch it or not. The reason for this is that when the second season ended, I was intrigued enough to looking forward to the third season, but as time progressed, the second season

Except that’s not really at all how the last season ended. Geralt never expressed any fear of Ciri being evil and at not point was it shown that he was considering ending her in anyway. Quite the opposite as the whole season was his arc to accept that he considered her a daughter.

Eh, the Fast franchise has never been a huge one in the States. For example, the total for Fast 8 in North America was 226 million with an additional billion coming from the global market.

Thanks for the correction. Man, for some reason I had completely wiped that from my memory.

Yeah, I can’t really wrap my mind around the timeline there.

One of the things that Eurovision that people from the States trying to parody it don’t realize is that the competition makes intentional jokes about itself better than basically anyone. This being another example of that.

Just wanted to echo not just about this year being weak, but it only really hit me this year how epic 2021 was and also as strong last year was despite initially thinking it wasn’t that good. On the latter it just hit me how many songs from there I could still recall while I think I will have trouble describing

As a sidenote, and apologies for my many thoughts here about the competition, something that is pretty hilarious is people proclaiming that Tattoo isn’t as good as Euphoria, Loreen’s first winning song. Which I completely agree with even though I like Tattoo. It’s just that Euphoria is genuinely one of the highest

Something that is really amusing to me is that while overall this was one of the weaker Eurovisions in recent years, it also produced an iconic Eurovision character and elevated another to a completely different sphere. Like Kääriäinen can be a visiting attraction in every Eurovision in years to come if he wants. And

It cannot be stated enough how crazy an achievement Loreen winning twice is. Not just because it has only been done by one person, Johnny Logan, before, but I’d argue the current formula of Eurovision is a much more difficult beast to conquer than even the pure jury format of Logan’s era was. And that’s not to take

By the way, something I realized when thinking about Arkane’s previous games in the aftermath of Redfall’s reception is that I do think the four protagonists, while necessary for a co-op game, is one of the reasons while their world-building doesn’t work here. Not that it in general makes things impossible, but rather

While I haven’t played the game myself, the reception was both deeply disappointing as a huge fan of Arkane games while also being what I feared the game would be.

The fact that you slam people who like to pretend they are clever while also revealing a faulty reading comprehension skill is kind of funny.

I mean this is kind of a weird, but fitting for Jezebel, post as it does seem like the author read the NYT article, yet seems to be reacting to a fever dream of an article instead of the one that was published.

I honestly had to read that part through multiple times as that was just an insane thing to write in a review.

Yeah, it’s such a wildly cowardly statement to make. I mean, this isn’t a situation where someone shoves a guy and causes him to accidently hit his head on something.

It would be really interesting to hear Gaider to go in to the specifics here. Not a criticism of the tweet, but rather I do think there is a lot of fascinating context there and I constantly worry about how much my own biases affect in how I interpret the statement.