
I read this comment through multiple times trying to figure out the logic of it.

There’s something special about someone accusing others for being disingenuous and resorting to false equivalencies while instantly proclaiming it’s completely fine harassing streamers to tears because they liked a game without any actual anti-trans content in it.

Why do all the game bashers need to pretend that the game isn’t generally well received? Metacritic score for the PS5 version is 85 and for the XBox version is 90. Although I guess that the next step of pretending how all the critics are Harry Potter apologists/diehards as well is just as fun because mental

So actually the IGN review was one of the reviews I checked out for the game and this summary of it is disingenuous that it is pretty much blantantly lying. I mean, the actual review is 10 minutes of detailed explanation why the reviewer found it appealing, and giving a pretty decent idea what the game is for those

Excellent take.

Mass Effect: Shepard/Liara kiss after defeating the Shadow Broker. Just the way ME2 salvaged that relationship and created the base for ME3 to build on that was masterful.

This appears to be one of those YMMV situations as the game overall has been getting pretty good reviews. I mean the Metacritic score at the moment stands at 85 for PS5 and 89 for XBox. This is not to dispute the review here, it makes a sensible case for itself, but rather that the open world aspect does seem to be

If someone compared the visual identity of DAO to LotR, it was a really bad comparison for multiple reasons. Also, got to be honest, I was pretty active in the DAO discussions back then and I can’t recall that comparison really being prominent.

I’m a bit torn on the footage, naturally keeping in mind that it is alpha. It does seem like a change of mechanics compared to the previous game, but actually still in line with the general approach of DAI, which in itself was a much more drastic a change to DA2. Additionally, and I write this as someone who found DAI

I both agree and disagree on the argument that DAO didn’t take creative risks. It did, huge ones, but the kind that don’t really feel like that anymore as they were more about the aesthetics and presentation. David Gaider, the lead writer, has discussed later how they were really uncertain about how the game would be

That Hollywood quiz show sketch was odd as with the other sketches I thought they had a workable premise, even if they didn’t always connect with me personally. There, though, it seemed to be poking fun at something in this utterly baffling manner.

Yeah, I agree with this. I mean not every episode has been great and I didn’t personally enjoy this one as much as most this season, but even here most sketches drew a chuckle from me.

This is also what confuses me as while I also can imagine there being online trolls, I haven’t really seen her performance being brought up as the big issue in the game.

Will admit I have not played the game and what I’ve seen doesn’t interest me, but the vast majority of the feedback I’ve seen for the game has been ‘meh’ with some positive and a lot of flaws. It’s Metacritic score is at the moment is around 66-67, so I guess a lot of the game reviews are Gamergate-types?

So should everyone then just play every game ever made or watch every movie produced? And if not, what should they base their choices on? If they start playing a game and don’t like it, should they press onwards because at the end it might be better? Which has by the way been a common defense of Forspoken as even most

While there is nothing new in these quotes, I think I’d heard the actors talk about during the press junkets before, it is kind of fascinating how ahead of its time the initial version of that film actually was. Also at the time I just found it funny, but in retrospect it was kind of amazing how much the actors spoke

I was actually, like so many others, thinking about the Columbo reboot and what Johnson could do with that character. Naturally ignoring the grim reality that the current rights issue makes it a non-starter in reality, but one can dream.

But I don’t personally really see how having aspiritional stories about what cops should be, especially when they are like Columbo, is copaganda. Or perhaps rather that not only do I not agree that it is that, but I think it is actively harmful to any kind of discussion.

Resident Evil 4 is a great game and everyone pretty much knows what it is, so what I’m about to write doesn’t mean that I think is going to be some backlash over it. This is just a personal feeling when considering getting the remake.

Oh, I have no issues with people disliking The Batman even I personally loved it. These are subjective taste questions after all and there are plenty popular movies I’m lukewarm on or that I absolutely hated.