
Yeah, they do. Did you watch the episode? Did you see him fall to darkness in an indication of being corrupted? Did you hear the woman give that spiel about questioning things? Did you watch him try to escape the city and fail? These are all moments that are supposed to elevate him as a character and make him more

Oh, I get that Airk is played as the traditional in distress, but the issue is that they want him to be more than that. He gets corrupted at the end, but as I mentioned in my comment, there’s no character journey to that point. He just gets starved until he is desperate enough to accept anything, which makes him this

While the episode again stumbled just like the last time they slowed down, it still some gorgeous visuals and character moments I enjoyed. However, I also felt this episode really highlighted a fundamental flaw of the show, namely Airk. Not the actor, as I think he is fine, but rather the baffling plot points with him.

By the way, one of the baffling aspects of the situation is how McCarthy himself is handling things. It’s not just that they keep having these votes where he keeps losing, and somehow he actually had less support in the latest votes which is just insane. Okay, that you could technically argue is because of the rebel

This is just astonishing. Like somehow it is a worse dragging through the mud than I expected. At this point I don’t even see how McCarthy could function as the Speaker as he would have basically ceded all power to a vocal minority of the Republicans. Also Jesus Christ it must be infuriating for the ‘moderate’

While it is a mess and there are a lot of dark avenues this can take, I do not regret the amount of glee I have about this happening to McCarthy. Everything that is happening he brought on himself, so now let him enjoy the humiliation.

This one really surprised me as not only did it do well in the charts, but the critical buzz was excellent as well. And I don’t write that in defense of it as I personally had issues with the show, just confusion what the hell does Netflix even want at this point?

I disagree somewhat, or at least would accept with less resistance that the big factor is Cameron. Yes, it is the sequel of a hugely successful movie, but that was a franchise starter. And now, thirteen years after the original, this one too is a massive success.

I didn’t say they weren’t good, but rather that I had issues with them. They are visually stunning and there are some really neat moments, but it is also really clumsy in setting up the new status quo and cast members. It’s just that it is in that final third where Cameron really cuts loose.

Except it didn’t really succeed in any of that. Riri used StarkTech to build her suit and continues to be visually about that character. While the Wakandans did help her build a suit here, they took it away at the end and she just.

By the way, for what it is worth, Avatar 2 is at the moment performing at the upper boundary for box office projections from The Number site:

And I’m really glad to finally find out where that number came from, genuinely thanks for that, as I was utterly befuddled why everyone kept mentioning that 2 billion dollar mark as the goal.

Additionally they couldn’t really even do anything with Riri as I) She’s an Iron Man character and this is not an Iron Man movie, and II) That show is about to come out. So she doesn’t have an arc, doesn’t achieve anything, they don’t really establish a story for her and even take the damn armor back at the end of the

All of this and the addtional information in the comments. Clinging to the 2 billion estimate is really weird as not only is it based on an old comment, the actual production cost estimates are much lower than that number would warrant. There’s no way Avatar 2 isn’t going to turn a massive profit already on its own.

Yeah, this has been one of the weird things as if you just go to the Wikipedia page, it lists the budget 350-460 million. So I’ve been baffled by how many people just blindly accept that the movie needs to make 2 billion worldwide to break even. Like the production cost estimates are quite public out there.

Like I legit had to click the link as I couldn’t fathom that he would actually respond with that. Then I spent the next minute laughing and gasping for air when I saw that was literally his response.

While it isn’t mentioned here, I would argue with a huge problem the movie had in that Riri Williams was so brutally shoved in the middle of it. As a consequence, they had to spent so much resources in a failing attempt to justify her presence in these big moments which could have instead been used to strengthen the

Damnit, the instant you mention the Holmes photo, I realized which photo you were referring to. What makes me feel guilt, though, is that I didn’t connect while seeing it in the movie itself. I am far too obsessed with the Theranos story for that to be acceptable.

It should also be pointed out that Johnson mentions Agatha Christie mysteries as a source of inspiration. Which, you know, explicitly dealt with well off people.

Just Benoit’s genuine frustration in how big of an idiot Miles Bron was was such a delight.