
Watching this film, it was eerie how well the Musk stuff started blowing up just in time. And this goes beyond the Twitter takeover, but his disasterous public forum talk was on the same week as this came out on Netflix.

To build on that, I absolutely loved that the reason Benoit had difficulties cracking the case was that he is bad with stupid stuff and couldn’t fathom that billionaire was actually that stupid.

The biggest weakness for me in this episode was not just how vague it was about what actually happened with Allagash and Boorman, but how chill Kit was in pushing for the truth. As much as I love the show, and I do, it just often doesn’t really know how to handle big emotional aftermath. Which is why when it manages

Exactly the same here. What has made it more frustrating is that I do find it hilarious how there is a crowd online all defensive about how dare Johnson mock Musk in this matter, especially since Musk is actually brilliant, that I can’t laugh with my friends as they haven’t yet seen the film.

It’s kind of remarkable that as overwhelmingly stupid as this show is, and I write that as someone who adores the ‘Just go with it’ mentality of it all, it still manages to hit those emotionally pure moments that just work for me. That final moment between Kit and Elora, even with that ultimately silly and confusing

This is to me one of the numerous bad impacts of review bombing as it has become a method to just dismiss negative responses to shows.

...How do you think that the Rotten Tomatoes rating works? Like this is a legitimate question absed on this comment?

By the way, since this is a gaming site, it is also quite interesting how differently the games and show seems to have developed from their initial takes. Especially since, and I realize this is a hot take for some, I would genuinely argue that the first Witcher game was a deeply flawed game where certain elements of

Kind of bummed by the seeming quality of the show. Haven’t watched it myself, little interest based on the promotional material and the questionable quality of the main show, but still had hopes, I guess, that this would be able to rise above those expectations.

That is very interesting, thanks. I’m wondering if just the sheer scope of the lie was why it was turned down. Although even then it is weird that the media didn’t do the research themselves.

I think it speaks volumes that even Kevin fucking McCarthy is not touching this one. Like don’t get me wrong, he will still accept the dude into the Republican caucus as they have such a slim majority that he can’t take any chances, but he is not a saying word in public for this dude.

This is what baffles me the most here as it doesn’t seem like that stuff was really buried. Also this was his second time running, he lost the first bid.

Man, as mentioned, there are just so many scenes you could pick from The Dropout as that was an insane performance by Seyfried.

I’m legitimately asking this, but is Tim Cruise reference here a joke I didn’t get?

As a sidenote, while I’m still fairly certain that of two plot points to come, I’m suddenly much more uncertain how they will be done.

This show isn’t even trying to hide that it is a DnD campaign instead of pretending to be something more serious and I’m all in for it.

I think the Geoff Johns involvement in the third treatment also raises a lot of questions, not just because he was involved in writing WW84, but also because of how he changed Diana’s character focus in the Justice League movie.

We touched on this on the other thread, but WW84 is just a gift that keeps on giving. Like every time I start thinking how messed up an aspect of it was, I’m reminded of something that was also bafflingly questionable about it.