
I would absolutely love to see the metrics and logic justifying the particular cancellation of that Batman show. Probably something really simple considering that it’s not like it’s one of their most prominent franchises that keeps printing them money and just had a huge hit of a film come out. Like why not cancel

I wouldn’t put it as there being something fundamentally wrong with doing the shift, but rather the execution for it was really bizarre. Again, it worked in the graphical novels because the books had a sense of being separate entities. However, you can’t really do that in a serialized show like this, you need to set

Had worries that it would be like this after seeing the previews, they just constantly seemed to be missing that big moment they usually create to promote games like this, but am still somewhat sad about those concern to appear to be true.

Honestly, I don’t think there’s been enough discussion on the changing of the story arc midway through. It’s not even that it changes, but it feels completely separate and the stakes they set up in the first episode are basically addressed in the fifth and have little bearing on Rose. Who in turn, and this is a

First Kill is a weird one as while it really great initial numbers, the Netflix sources claimed that ‘it didn’t have the staying power of most Netflix shows, still did not meet thresholds for viewing and completion of episodes’ which nobody can really figure out what it means. My own suspicion is that those large

Dan Murrell does some engagement analysis based on the numbers that Netflix releases and based on his metrics, which are admittedly limited, Sandman had a pretty steep drop-off in viewer engagement and finished season watches in its second week.

This is a tricky one as I think my initial was relief as the original was Buffy was that cultural force that can’t be replicated. However, even beyond that, I just didn’t see the sense in having Whedon do this, even beyond that messy expose and his batshit insane response to it. It’s just that we know what Whedon’s

While I can’t comment on that first part, I can easily see it being a video lifted out of context as that happens a lot, on that second part? As a Finn? Allow me to just state that you have no fucking idea what you are talking about as this is not a typical Finnish political scandal and is in many ways telling of

I made the point in the other post, but feel need to reiterate here. It wasn’t the conservative figures making noise about this, although the leader of the True Finns did smuggly suggest that Marin take that drug test. The national media was the one that made a huge deal out of this and then tried to explain multiple

As a different message, I just finished the last Spider-Man DLC and have now 100% in the main game and those. I write that because as good as the main game, those DLCs were really bad at the end.

Oh, detective mode was awesome. It was too useful, but it also allowed that way to include in a game how Batman sees the world. For me, thinking more on the Spider-Man game, I think the stealth was the tipping point because it legitimately felt that it was there because it was in the Arkham games. Which then also made

Oh, this was a completely subjective take naturally. Also, it should be acknowledge, that this obviously depends on if one prefers Batman or Spiderman.

Man, that was an awkward forgotten word there. Yes, I meant that.

On the last part, it wasn’t even a public leak in that sense. Someone put it on as an Instagram story that had 90-something followers, at least if I understood correctly, where it was picked up later.

I think this is a little bit of a misleading question as there’s literally indication that she used drugs. Also narcotics possession is a crime in Finland, so that would be an issue. 

One big correction to the article is that isn’t the opposition politicians doing the most pearl clutching here, it’s the national media that lost its fucking mind over this. Like Helsingin Sanomat, which is the biggest national newspaper, wrote an editorial where it argued that since Marin had a party where

I’ve been playing the Spider-Man game now that it finally published on PC and having a lot of fun with it. However, and the next is in no way a slam, it’s kind of funny as it takes so much from the Arkham games that it is difficult to not compare the two. And doing so manages to really drive home how magnificent that

As a sidenote, there was one scene in this episode that annoyed the hell out of me, specifically the scene where Jen lectures to Bruce how he doesn’t really get anger. Midway through that speech, I started asking myself that isn’t Bruce’s issue that he had a really horrible, abusive father who murdered his mother in

Overall I thought the episode was fine, but I also realized that this is going to be a show that’s going to be really difficult to discuss as it is so leaning on comedy, which is so subjective. For example for me, a lot of the comedy felt clumsy, but I also can’t really say anything against someone claiming they

A question about a minor detail that confused me a bit. How did Jen get a lethal amount of Gamma radiation? Was it the prototype breaking?