
While the action seems neat enough and I’m probably going to end up playing this game, the story trailer and everything related to that just comes across odd for me. In the sense that it doesn’t feel like the game even really knows what it wants to be, which might be just them holding something back, but at the moment

Excellent point and might be true. Although there’s something weird about Howard as remember in the first episodes of this season he had that black eye and changing explanations about what happened?

One of my favorite things about the Cinna reveal is that I instantly realized it was foreshadowed from the start. I mean, I just accepted that a podcaster was there right after the murder prepared to make an episode about that murder without stopping to wonder if that was weird. It was just such a trope and the show

I don’t know if I would call it fear, rather that what Bela did was so far beyond that. To use my example again, if she had just hooked up with some dudes at that party without thinking that they actually have that voting power, then it would be her being a bit naive and foolish, but not really having done anything

Was also surprised when I ran across the announcement of the reboot, although at least this does seem to be closer in tone to what the originals were. Also the previous games of the developers make them a fitting choice for this kind of a project. Also it did make me chuckle that this is the first ‘sequel’ in the

Your kind of correct in description of Bela, except it wasn’t about her being hopeful to getting on staff. The episode clearly establishes that she was trading sexual favors for their votes instead of hoping for the best. One of the roommates even points out that that is a questionable thing she is planning to do and

I realized that we have arrived at the point with Top Gun where every weekend my initial reaction is just ‘...How?’.

That’s a really difficult question to answer if someone hasn’t seen the show, especially it is more of a compounding issue for me. By the show, the show was often really funny and the things I considered major issues came at the very end, the way it resolved certain things, so I can easily people having different

As a sidenote, it’s crazy to think that this show is from the same creator as The Secret Sex Lives of College Girls, as all the beats this show got right, that other one just failed completely. It’s seriously one of the most messed up shows I’ve seen in a while, largely because it seems to be completely oblivious to

I’m also one of those adults who was tremendously impressed by this show. Even if it had some rough edges, I think the character journey they told with Devi was both masterful as well as making all those decisions fit in what it was at the end. For example, as good of a job the show did in telling us why Devi and Ben

Well, when you put it that way, it does sound shocking and I really need to reconsider my stance. Also would add what felt like hundreds of pages of Danyeras sighing about Daario and having Jaime just appear/disappear in a single chapter in the middle of the book.

While this is an interesting perspective in to the tortured creative process of GoT, I also have to be honest in that I’ve always found the argument that a reason the show stumbled was because it went away from the books. My reasoning is very simple in that A Dance of Dragons is, and the following is a personal

Yeah, this is one of most staggering Oppression Olympics arguments I’ve seen in a while. Like I keep reading through the further elaborations in hope to make sense of the argument, but instead it just keeps doubling down on this absolutely stance.

This has been pointed out in many places, but there is something particularly hilarious about Trump’s indignation about the raid being ‘unannounced’ and his anger about how they broke into his safe.

There is something endearing in the way Amber Midthunder is embracing this moment, especially since I can’t imagine that she even imagined there would be a role like this available to a Native American actress. Hopefully this gives her that boost to get more good roles as she was great in the film.

League of Superpets was insane, but I had a thrill with it because of stuff like this.

This is genuinely brilliant casting. I realize not everyone here likes the first movie, which fair enough even if I personally loved it, but it really went for something instead of playing it safe. So I really dig that they appear to again be rolling the dice instead of just making the first movie again. Have no idea

This isn’t first massive failure by the Jones’s team during this trial. They’ve accidentally turned over incriminating material a few already prior to this.

I’m kind of sad just because of the representation issues, but I also don’t know if I could have sat through another season of that show. It was a bizarre one as it was incredibly stupid in too many ways to even bring up here, but then they would do one thing that felt like smart story telling and made me feel hope.

To add, that same Variety report explains that partial reasoning for them shelving the movie was that they can now write it off on taxes, which is the most financially viable option for them.