
...Boxing is huge at the moment? Like seriously the purses and business is at the moment are pretty booming.

There is something funny about the dude who made Rocky V saying how he would never exploit the franchise for greed.

...Not only did I not miss something, I’m fairly certain you have deeply misinterpreted scenes in the film.

I’m really glad that they got that third season because that second season finale was amazingly tragic while seemingly giving Devi everything she wanted.

...Not how leverage works.

Doesn’t affect my intrigue about GTA VI one way or another, but I do like that they are thinking again how to tell a story with that Bonnie and Clyde idea. Partially because I do hope that they take a more darker, reflective thematic examination of GTA IV where even despite all the goofiness, they actually look at how

As a sidenote, there was one scene that encapsulated the issue in this film for me. It was a really small one, so I’m not assuming that it stood out that much, but I kept thinking about it while watching the rest play out. It’s when Sierra goes to the forger, who tells him to wash his face so that he doesn’t look

I’m really struggling to think what the spin-off would be as nothing in the film felt like it was really setting up anything. Maybe that Tamil character, but I mean what is there to really tell with him that makes it unique to this Gray Man-verse? Although having written that, I can’t really name anything specific

This was such an odd movie as I was aware of the reviews while starting to watch it, but thought that at least I would get some great action scenes. Except somehow even all those felt weirdly boring to me.

I couldn’t even figure out what they wanted Sierra Four to be. Like at first, based on the name and description, I thought he was supposed to be this unremarkable presence and more silent, but then they kept going for these really weird one-liners and jokes. And I don’t mean stuff that is meant to come across as

When they showed the bad guy destroying the chip, I almost laughed in disbelief as it was just such an absurd movie. Then when the female agent threatens him at the end, I really wanted her to explain what leverage she exactly had left in that situation.

Damn, that was such a brilliant episode for me that kept hitting with one awesome moment after another.

Really, really liked both those trailers and the different tones of the stories they are telling. I also hope that the Black Adam trailer wasn’t just a tease, but that they are building him to be that fallen hero as this would be such a brilliant way to set up that Shazam vs Black Adam film.

Man that final revelation hit hard. Like you it was coming from how the episode started, but still didn’t make it hurt any less.

Hopefully they find happiness with each other and good for them for giving it another shot.

It is genuinely cool they made it free instead of just burying it in the digital graveyard. Especially because it doesn’t matter at this point as those DLC are so old that most either have them with the original games or, for example, have the Mass Effect Legendary edition. So they lose very little by doing it, which

The more I think on it, the more I think it is not the 6 episode order, but rather the Karachi detour that was the issue here as those two episodes really don’t fit that well with the story in the other four episodes. Actually not only that, but they contradict certain plot elements introduced in the first three

The montage at the very end of the show, not during the fight with Damage Control preparation. I double-checked it before making that comment.

I didn’t even think about it at first, but it really does feel like something added really late in the process. Like at a point when everything else was done.

I’m torn on the hint that Kamala might be a mutant. One hand, it is a genuinely intriguing indication how they might introduce the mutants to MCU and while I don’t know how they would Xavier, Magneto and Logan in that scenario, it is exciting to think how they would handle such a rising new force there. Also it would