
Might have been the best season finale for a MCU show yet and really stuck that landing. The return to New Jersey really helped to snap things into focus after the detour in Pakistan, especially since this was returning to the cast and relationships established successfully in the first three episodes, giving things

This one was a baffling article as it starts with admitting that there are discussions about Marvel’s direction, then all the other slides essentially argue that MCU is actually doing absolutely awesome, no notes, everything is great. Like I was not expecting bashing, nor do I think it would have been correct, but

Damnit, while Barsanti often tries too hard with his snarkiness, this one made me chuckle more than once.

How they deal with Valkyrie’s queerness in this film was borderline hilarious after Thompson’s comments about her finding a queen as well as that backtracking about how ‘She and Waititi had a really good discussion about it.

I think grimdark has become a term that just pretty much lost meaning at this point.

I no doubt at all about what Bale is discussing here and I do think because it has been so long, we’ve kind of forgotten how huge of a paradigm shift Batman Begins in itself was even before The Dark Knight.

Man, while is genuinely surprising and exciting news, I would be much more enthusiastic about it if it wasn’t the Echo show. Both the character and actress of Echo in Hawkeye was such a non-starter for me that I just can’t imagine watching that show no matter how great it would be see those two again.

I actually went back and rewatched that opening flashback in episode 3 and the discussion on needing two bangles is really explicit there. To the point that they are wondering where they could find that second bangle and how the British probably have it.

Interesting points and thanks on the reference to the Parrot Analytics. Also it is curious as Moon Knight does seem to have performed well, yet I do remember reading reports that its viewership was a cause of concern for Disney. Now I get to wonder if my memory is failing again.

While I have a cooled a little bit on the show after it MCU’d itself so hard in the past two episodes, I was genuinely disappointed to read reports that apparently it is currently the least watched MCU show by a meaningful margin. Especially considering the reports that Moon Knight was already underperforming compared

This show puzzles me. Like if somebody explained everything that happened in this episode to me, I would probably think it all sounded excellent, even if a bit confusing, and it was completely fine sit through. However, for me, the show kept fumbling the execution because either it added weird turns and just basically

Okay, if someone honestly wrote ‘Doesn’t live up to Ragnarok, has tonal whiplash’, I would be genuinely curious did that person see Ragnarok considering that movie couldn’t help ruining every dramatic scene with an instant joke.

I think Christian Bale is who I am legitimately most excited to see in this movie.

Something I think this show does really well is that it remembers that everyone is human. This isn’t even reference to how we are shown Bunny in this episode, but even when revealing those others sides to her, it never feels judgmental to the central three over not wanting to hang with her that night. As it shouldn’t

Oh, absolutely. Just establishing that Valkyrie was queer would not only have filled so much empty space in that backstory, but it would have given her so much more depth without even having to spell it out.

This would be pretty shrug-worthy if there hadn’t been that ‘Valkyrie is going have a queen’ stuff from before. After that, going from ‘We are going to have a queer storyline’ to ‘Me and the director had a really awesome discussion about it’ is pretty oomph. Also, while her logic is sound, it can be interpreted as

Considering both Lyonne and Johnson have made their love for Columbo well-known and the format seems to lean to that direction, I wouldn’t be that surprised if this ended up feeling an unofficial homage to that show.

Yes, that was the totes the point of my criticism. Teenagers flirting with numerous people, even if one of the three people referred was not an actual point of flirting. Stellar reading comprehension there.

I mean the show knew that they had 6 episodes, so it’s on them to figure out how much story they could tell. At this point, though, this is utterly perplexing as it starting to be a feature on these shows.

Are those Clandestine dead? This is a legitimate question as if they are that easy to kill, I am just beyond baffled on why they are supposed to be a major threat worthy of legends?