
While the time window is absurd, especially considering the utter lack of any gameplay video, it does also make a lot of sense. Despite perhaps earlier expectations, it doesn’t seem like Ubisoft is dropping their new AC game this year, which means that there is that space for a big action adventure game open in their

For all the positive to say about this show, the Clandestine have to be the weakest MCU show antagonists so far. They are just hilariously inept and for some reason the show wants them to be considered a tremendous threat, but never seems to be willing to do the work. It also doesn’t help that they are riddled with

While I’m still high on the show as a whole, this was for me by far the worst episode that they’ve done so far. It was just disjointed and filled with weird decisions like I couldn’t understand the purpose of the cousins in an episode so filled already. Furthermore I really wish they had established the Red Daggers

As a late sidenote, it says a lot that Flynn pleading the fifth on the question that was the mob violence on January 6th justified is not even the primary focus here.

This was one of those wild hearings in that as I was listening to them, I initially didn’t think there were that major revelations, but then stuff just get getting wilder and it suddenly hit me that actually everything even before that was pretty insane, but just felt ‘Of course with that administration’. It was just

As a sidenote, I am so confused by Alice. Like thoroughly baffled by her. Now this isn’t Delavigne slam, I actually think she managed to make the character feel likable in her very brief scenes and I got her and Mabel.

It was around halfway through the second episode that I realized that the show had managed to cast its charm on me again and that I was completely in. While I was looking forward to this season, a part of me was nervous if it would stumble out of the gate, but instead it showed this steely confidence in understanding

It is absolutely fitting that Dropout is the one representative of the tech industry shows here as it basically lapped the rest of them with ease. And it is seriously difficult to praise Seyfried’s performance too much. Like I’ve always thought she was good, but her Holmes was a goddamn revelation.

Really looking forwad to the second season of the Only Murders In the Building, especially after the brilliant manner in which they wove those threads to set it up already in the first season.

The most astonishing thing about this film, which I still love, is that when they made the show about it, the point there apparently was that it was bad that they shut down the precogs? Which is a wild take on the film’s theme. I hope I’m corrected if I am under the wrong impression.

No, I have the same memory of the ending of the film. Didn’t even realize that it isn’t in the current version.

Okay, even with the horrific context of that decision, that did make me laugh pretty good.

Sure. By the way can you just point me to the multitude of anti-prequel rants I’ve done? Or have an actually reasonable answer where you point out where my argument about this not being able to have a resolution is wrong instead of failing at whatever this snarky response was?

This is one of those few movie releases that kind of bums me out already in advance. Usually if there’s a movie I’m not interested in, it doesn’t matter as I’ll just skip it. However, here there is such a great character and instead we are getting a prequel that really doesn’t matter. There weren’t large parts of

I think these things hit on my big issue with the kind of stupid this show was. I can handle when things need to be stupid to move things along, and here it certainly was that, but it often felt unnecessarily stupid. Like you only need to do a couple of changes to reduce the level of stupidity, but the show didn’t.

It legitimately hurt my head how stupid that whole sequence was.

Man is this an exhausting topic. So before anything else, of course this is a conservative attack issue. There are about 9 or so transathletes at the moment active in US collegiate sports and I don’t think there are that many more on a high level internationally. This is a remarkably closed loop issue that only

Something that stood out to me during this series, and this is actually a general issue with Star Wars, is that it is so focused on the Skywalker bloodline that it doesn’t really know how to approach the people who actually raised Luke and Leia. I actually think this show did a better job than most with showing both

I was utterly confused by that. Then when they hit that duel, I suddenly started wondering if the show was going to pull a misdirection and actually have those things happen at different times and have Kenobi swoop in to save Luke. But nope, it was concurrent again, although apparently Tatooine was just right next to

I don’t really know with this show. For me, ultimately the larger character arc did sell on why it was necessary. This was that bridge between who Obi-Wan was at the end of the prequels and who he was at the start of the New Hope while giving his story with Vader a sense of closure even if it would come ahead in the