
It’s far from simple, I’d acutally argue this false claim here is at the core of what makes it so difficult.

Joker made tons of more money than Birds of Prey. It is genuinely mindboggling how profitable that movie was. At the same time Birds of Prey seemed to break about even, as for a movie that size it required the box office to be about twice the size of the budget. This is essentially to say that if they went with this

As a sidenote, one thing that worries me the most here is that they will start putting pressure or messing with the Reeves Batman movies as those do not work in any manner with a Justice League type of an approach.

If the report is true, this is such a bizarre time to start being messing around with the DCEU now as it is starting to hit a stride. Especially since those successes are built on allowing the movies have those distinct styles and to build their own worlds. You can have dark and serious movies like the Batman and

Yeah, the mandated season length issue feels really massive with this show. To be fair, you can kind of see it as a criticism both ways as the show runner how many episodes they have to do and should plan accordingly. However, at the same time, it really isn’t coming across as if Marvel Studios themselves are doing

There was a plot beat that drove me absolutely nuts in this episode, especially since there was no even lip service level attempt at explaining it.

That trial of the gods scene was so damn stupid and ultimately unnecessary that I still keep cracking up about it.

Looking from a distance, it comes across that one of the major failings in the finale is that it tried to satisfy fan pressure in a situation where it could never work, which led to this baffling sequence of choices. As you mention, if explained in concept, the finale makes sense, but man that execution. Also should

...Yes? I mean they did the Batman: Year One approach here where Martha’s maiden name was Arkham and she was of that family instead of the Kanes.

Even if you could see it coming a mile away, I still lost it when Gyllenhaal stated while you shouldn’t stab people, bullying was also wrong and nobody should be compared to Janet. Before telling Janet to shut up and keep taking notes.

For what it is worth, Reeves actually specifically said that they didn’t do the Joker cameo to set him up as the next villain, but rather because they considered that it is important to have the reminder of that presence. To acknowledge that whatever Batman achieves, his true nemesis waits in the wings. Which is why I

I just really want to give props here to The Dropout, not just because how excellent I thought it was, but how well it examined/presented the weaponization of the Girlboss narrative. One of the most heartbreaking moments of the show, for me at least, was when George Schultz asked Erika how she could do this to someone

As well as terrorizing her employees and attempting to ruin anyone who spoke against her.

Not only do I completely agree with your interpretation of Holmes’s thought process also as someone who followed it, although to be fair she is a difficult one to be certain of, I think the show captured that version of Holmes magnificently.

Part of my testiness is that I had a sore back when writing that. Part of it was reading so many comments similar to this. Also I’m not being snarky with my next comment, but I genuinely don’t think you really understand what inscrutable means. Also, and I just need to confirm this, did you actually watch the show?

I genuinely to process the picture for a moment before my mind even allowed me to consider that she might be his wife.

Oh Jesus Fucking Christ.

Okay, I just genuinely need to confirm this. Is your argument genuinely that the guy who wrote the literal book on her, who did a ton of background research on her and has spoken with pretty much everyone who has closely interacted with Holmes has a worse understanding than a person on the internet who has probably at

That final sequence of Holmes at the office was just such a magnificent showcase of everything that made Seyfried’s performance here so great.

Except I’m kind of baffled why you think that ‘inscrutability’ is a myth considering even Carreyrou has been clear that he doesn’t really know what motivated Holmes regarding certain decisions. That’s not to argue it couldn’t be that simple, but rather that because there is that lack of information and actually people