
To answer the question on was this show necessary, I would argue hell yes. Not just because I thought it was good, but because it focused on showcasing the harm that Holmes caused and how this wasn’t just an egoist or a financial grift.

Yeah, I could not comprehend that part at all here. What made it worse that the criticism starts with that, is damn vague on why it is akin to being a TERF, before shifting to other criticisms that are more concrete and understandable. It would have been a lot smoother if it had led with that other criticism and at

Okay, I get that reasoning on why it’s kind of a dumb thing to say, but how is it TERFy? Especially as in this context the documentary seems to acknowledge and respect transexuals?

...But this documentary is specifically about the pill  and as thus would not be applicable in the situation? Unless you are talking about the partner, but even there it would still fall within the chosen perspective of the documentary, wouldn’t it?

Really enjoyed this show and thought it not just the best of the three concurrent tech company shows by a rather large margin, but genuienly excellent show even on its own. Also felt that they did a great job in selecting what parts of the book/podcast to feature and were efficient in combining events when it helped

Thinking on that scene more from what you describe, that makes it somehow even worse as if they had shown that empathic side, it would have added to the character. However, I genuinely don’t know what having Harrow kill a random homeless guy really achieves? That the guy we have seen already kill in the name of

The problem with that is that it doesn’t fit the ritual we saw for that test in the first episode. Harrow didn’t use the stick, didn’t look at the tattoo. Instead, he went to the guy, asked for the scarab while talking about all the things he can give him aside of it, and then the next thing we see is that he just

I’m really torn on Harrow after two episodes. I think Hawke is doing a really fantastic job with the character and there is that energy every time he is on the screen. Even when there was some a little bit questionable dialogue, such as him guessing exactly what Khonshuwas saying, Hawke just made it work.

That invisible Jackal fight was just magnificent. It was fun in a really creative way while managing to also tell a lot about the main character, so excellent job all around. In addition, I was really impressed with a lot of the camera work here as there were some really spectacular shots throughout the episode.

I’m pretty torn by this announcement. I am genuinely happy to finally get that confirmation of the next Tomb Raider game even if I found Shadow really underwhelming as I have that level of affinity for that trilogy. And hopefully they will be able to kind of correct narrative aspects going forward.

It seems like Jackson will go through as Collins had already announced her support for Jackson and, as mentioned in another comment, both Murkowski and Romney are also backing her. In reporting it was stated as being cracks in the Republican wall, but I don’t really think those three particular names represent that

Yeah, that’s not exactly a subtle adaption. I’m not claiming it should be or is an indication of quality, but rather the central storyline’s and characters appear to be directly from the French version in a lot of ways.

From what I understand, the graffiti scene isn’t in the actual film. Which makes including it in the trailer... Curious? Is a word?

This was pretty much initial reaction as well when seeing the list of ‘villain’ movies. Clumping Joker in with the rest of them is questionable as it functions in a fundamentally different, manner which affects the analysis here as well.

That’s a fair read and probably what it was. Perhaps to take it a bit further, it might not even be so much a focus aspect, but that the personalities needed to be in sync to trigger the Moon Knight transformation. Which makes sense because it sets up the character journey for the show and what needs to happen in

On a more down note, that final museum sequence actually really took me out of it as the internal really just collapsed there. The smaller of the two is that in the village section we saw Marc taking over Steven’s body everytime there was danger, but for some reason now there had to be asking for it? This part can

This was a curious pilot as I liked it as a whole and am looking forward to the next episode, yet at the same time I’m still a bit on the fence on excitement for the show as a whole. The tone they set here was so gimmicky, and I mean that as a neutral descriptor, that I did find myself questioning how will it build on

It would be really interesting to read an interview with whoever compiles the analysis from the algorithm and the different factors affecting that. This isn’t to complain about them cancelling shows, that happens, but there is starting to be a somewhat baffling nature to those decisions and the larger ambitions are

That’s an excellent point about the script. I hadn’t actually realized that Jenkins didn’t even have a story credit on the first Wonder Woman movie.

I know it’s a serious subject and all, but Blackburn’s concern about the mean words said about ‘pro-life’ women is absolutely hilarious.