
But I’m fine with plot holes as there is no such thing as a perfect story. For example the ease with how everyone is able to find anyone in New York was pretty funny to me, but never distractingly so because there were moments when that just needed to happen.

Oh all that makes snese and wouldn’t bring it up except in that raid at the auction, and if I am remembering this wrong hopefully I am corrected, the goons specifically say they are looking for the rolex. Then it becomes this tracking point of trying to find that rolex.

And just after I finished writing my first response it hit me why they made this choice. I think in their logic if Clint had known that Natasha had found Yelena and that they had liberated the Red Room, he would have sought out Yelena to tell her what happened with Natasha. Which is a reasonable point of view.

Fair point, although it still requires some gymnastics to get to work. Not an unreasonable amount, though.

And none of that means anything in the context of the show. It’s a really cool easter egg, but why would that mean anything to the Track Suit Mafia? How would that have allowed Maya to track Ronin down?

I’d recommend you go and watch the fight scene as that’s not how it plays, I personally just did to check if I remembered it incorrectly. That’s the first half of it, but when they have Clint contacting Kate again, that’s not the dynamic. It’s actually a pretty traditional scene there where Kate is actually the one

Asking for the fight scene to effectively tell a story is not same is requiring the creators to spell out everything. If that was the intent of the scene, and to repeat myself I think it was, the fight was badly made for that purpose.

Okay? Do you feel better now that you got that off your chest?

That’s the handwaving I referred to. And it wasn’t that big of a deal, I think it was more of an indicator of the general issues this show had with combat choreography. So for example the scenario you are describing, and by the way I suspect that was the intent, was could be read from the story, but not from the how

That’s completely true. It’s just that here it came across so weirdly as Kate never seems to have a reaction to scenes where she is clearly killing someone. And with someone like Stark or even Clint it fit their character, but Kate’s supposed to be new at this.

Jesus Christ, as I keep writing about this, I keep getting worked up how absolutely idiotic the writing on this show was. So I will continue venting about it, feel free to ignore.

On a positive note, at least the Yelena/Kate dynamic continued to be superfun even if I was a bit annoyed that Kate was able to hold her own against Yelena. Although I guess it can be kind of handwaved away and the show’s approach to skill levels has been odd as well. The chemistry was still there.

It’s a while since I watched the show where the drop from the first half to the second half was as steep as here. The writing was just idiotic, they introduced just random stuff at the last moment and didn’t pay off a single mystery established in the beginning. Like the Rolex because the Tracksuit mafia specifically

Considering how the What-If story ended, I can’t see this interlinking with that. Having written that, it is weird how they are hitting the same beat in two similar Multiverse stories within such a short time frame.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition was such a treat that even now being reminded of it made me smile.

Happened to me countless of times, no issues. I was just so confused by the response.

...Which is the reason for the very first part of my response where I literally wrote that it cannot be true due to the timetable?

I know its unlikely, and there’s a huge difference in being a cast member and actually running the show, but I can’t help thinking Kenan might be a really good choice. At this point, he’s the one person after Lorne who really has a grasp on how the show works and what it takes to run it.

While I realize it cannot be true do the time table, watching this I couldn’t help but wonder if Eggers had been playing Valhalla a lot while making this movie.

I think all those films came out in 2020. Having written that, Jesus Christ that is a bizarre list.