
Wait, the Old Guard? ....Seriously?

I’m going to be honest, while these were completely fine even if the Venom was... weird, I was disappointed that we didn’t see anything related to Garfield!Spiderman and Maguire!Spiderman arriving back to their worlds.

You know, I couldn’t avoid thinking the same thing during this episode. In the comments of the previous episode, someone pointed out that there was a long break due to covid between the filming of the first six episodes and the last two episodes. And watching this, it really felt like there were massive rewrites as

That was by a country mile the best action scene this show has pulled off so far.

I think that first quote, if it turns out to be that they were telling the truth, is somewhat indicate of the problems this show has in that it doesn’t seem to really know what it wants it audience to be.

Yeah, it does make some of those interactions with Laila make sense now, especially the way she reacted to when Perrin told her that he loves her, but it still feels so off. And not even to a book reader, but rather that if this was the approach, there should have been so much more build and indications of this.

I mean always would have preferred Angsty Rand. Like I don’t know if it would have been enjoyable to watch, not that Bland Rand was either, but at least then I could connect the resolution here to what happened before.

Man, just saw the film and it is at the top of the list of my favorite Marvel movies. Spiderman In To the Spider-verse is still my favorite Spiderman movie, but this is close to it. So for selfish reasons really glad to see that it is doing so well in the box office.

That Rand reveal was so odd. I don’t exactly remember how it went in the books, so long since I read to remember that level of detail, but I considered on page it might have been something that could be pulled off. Yet here to have Rand just remember the Winds told him that he was the Dragon, admit that he always knew

As a bit of a more humerous, if disparaging, sidenote on this episode, but for me this episode also had some of the worst dialogue the show has had so far. To the point that there were dramatic scenes I had to pause because I just started laughing.

This was kind of a weird episode in that I personally didn’t like it, but I could easily see why someone would like it. As a whole it relied so much on everyone already caring for these characters and their relationships instead of really giving reasons to care for them, so deciding factor is how invested are you as a

Yeah, like you have to actively the skip the cutscenes to not be aware who is the best option for each subsection. When I played the game through the first time years ago I got through it without losing anyone. Although this is another example of the mythologization of ME2.

Not only was she popular, she had a compelling character arc and really intriguing relationship. In addition they actually managed to not think that pairing had to be romantic.

What Pacific Rim: Uprising did with Mori is still one of the most baffling decisions. I mean, they introduce this step-sibling relationship that had so much richness... And they kill her off so that we can another generic blond guy around as the partner instead?

Man, that SatC partnership really hasn’t gone the way Peloton would have hoped.

You know, I cannot argue against this answer. Yelena is just the best.

I just can’t get over that response. It isn’t that common to get investigated by HR, yet the fact that he has gone through three years in a row seems just shrug-worthy to him.

No, Yelena followed Eleanor to that building because the plot couldn’t forward without someone doing so. Although you did seem to skip over my point that it had nothing to do with Yelena figuring out who hired her.

The Charlotte storyline felt so odd. Like I thought it was a really strong concept, as that particular character having to come to terms with her child not being identity has good story potential, but it all felt so condensed here. I get that it will probably continue in some manner, but we get the initial talk with

I guess I disagree with the show handling it better than Black Widow stinger, although I didn’t think that was good either. But I guess the question there becomes more of a question how one perceives Yelena’s character arc in the movie. As for this to make more sense, it means that Yelena is currently a hired killer