
Have you actually seen the movie? Or what do you base the thought process on that it is just critics forcing out positive reviews? Also if your argument is that Box Office Success == Really Good Movies That Should Get Nominations, man is every year a disappointment for you.

Yeah, I’m trying to figure out how to rank Zegler due to that very challenge. I think she was good and really flowed well when interacting with Bernardo or Anita, but man those Elgort scenes were something.

Oh, absolutely on the Romeo and Juliet part, but I actually found myself thinking why this felt different. The R&J romance is just as crazy, but it is essentially the story and the focus there makes it easier, at least for me, to roll with it. While I might laugh about it, when watching it I can accept what is

I think one of the reasons is that the story leads is so absolutely insane, as I pointed out in another comment, that it is almost impossible to make them come across as relatable human beings.

It also really didn’t help that the guy playing Riff was magnificent.

Unfortunately not surprised by West Side Story’s low box office numbers considering that musicals haven’t done well recently and there really wasn’t clamoring for that new version. Having written that, personally absolutely loved the movie, far more than I thought.

Seriously, he was absolutely the worst part of that movie. It also didn’t help that I had ‘Oh, it’s that guy’ reaction, only to go through three other actor names in my head before coming around to him.

To me, the most shocking thing here is that Igla actively lobbied to get Yelena to the Hawkeye show as the way she was introduced in it sure as hell didn’t feel like that. The opposite, actually, as it was more about the show deciding to unnecessarily focus on Echo and force her involvement into a fight that should

Going to take a wild swing here and guess that you didn’t watch this episode, did you?

I absolutely adored this show and was completely won over by Eilish’s charm. It was somewhat astonishing that her giggling didn’t ruin the scenes, partially because the writers were really smart about the roles they had her do.

I mean, kind of, but I don’t really understand your point. The Chosen One having allies that help them at a crucial point of time is a trope in itself and not a bad one. Buffy had her gang. Harry Potter had Hermione and Ron. They are still the Chosen Ones all by themselves, they just have help. Even the need for help

You know what is something weird I realized when conceptualizing my initial response to you. I agree with almost all you wrote, especially about Stradowski’s casting, but when going through the episodes in my head, it suddenly struck me that Egwene has actually had less focus and interactions than any of the three

I got to be honest, this is a baffling to answer by Jordan here as there are a lot of heterosexual characters expressing their romantic interests in the books. So the argument that they are there, you just don’t see that part of them, is kind of a weak explanation. I’m not saying that he should have had queer

I mean, obvioulsy, but I also don’t really get how this is a good thing. It’s just bad writing as if you have not given any reason to care about the character so far, suddenly making him the most super-special dude around isn’t going to solve the issue. He’s still a bland dude who they are now shouting at you how

Okay, if true, that is legitimately hilarious. I mean nightmarish for the production, but it shouldn’t make this much sense either.

I think this might be a terminology reaction from me as while I think that that there’s behaviour from Triss that could be described as selfish and dumb, especially in the first two games, I would never describe the relationship as toxic as they never actively cause harm to each other.

I think the challenge with your argument is that while it is technically correct about the games, the first game presented Triss was massively different how the later two games did that it is questionable to present it as a unified argument. So yes, it is true that that was who she was in the first game, but that

I guess the disagreement on what we consider to be a trope as I personally don’t consider that to be one. Also, while Moiraine a main character, I would argue that approach is trickier when discussing ensemble shows such as this and even here Moiraine isn’t the big hero of the story. So from this point, I would

But that’s not a trope, that’s just a rare event in shows like this. I mean it’s great, although I suspected Moiraine to be queer after that insane Liandrai scene last episode, but it’s not really subverting anything.

By the way, something I disagree on the review on is the praise about the ‘lie’ moment as to me that was Moiraine just saying something untrue. She already knew that Mat and Rand were in city, so she wouldn’t have anyone watching for their arrival. Even if she told people to do that, in her mind they wouldn’t be doing