
I would add to this that if you consider that Way scene, Mat’s reasoning of staying behind is actually the most explained in the story. Like I get far more why he would decide not to go than why any of others would go.

So a little bit of honest, for me if the argument is that he gets more interesting when there is another person in his head does not really speak that highly about him at the moment.

I’m actually not so certain about that as I’m feeling that within the show Egwene is the more powerful one. First of all, when Moiraine was using the term ‘the most powerful channeler in a thousand years’, it was a direct reference to what Liandrin said about Nynaeve, so it doesn’t necessarily reflect Moiraine’s

Which has not been not established on the show. Actually I’d argue that her biggest magical feat so far wasn’t done in anger.

I guess my own challenge with that is that I don’t really know what tropes this episode was really subverting. That’s not even a negative thing, I’m not judging on it on that, but it’s pretty tropey and the book series itself is famous for being that. So I can’t really imagine what exactly they would be doing with

As a late sidenote, I really groaned when I read in the review that they are hinting at Triss’s feelings for Geralt. The reason for that is that even if I wasn’t coming to this from Witcher 3, where the stance that Triss >>>>>> Yen is a hill I am willing to die on, even on this show her limited interaction with Geralt

Yeah, the show treated Yen was baffling. Like when Geralt meets her, she is essentially committing a mass sex offense before brainwashing him to do something that will get him executed. And the show feels that what we should get out of this is that man these crazy kids and their epic love story. It also doesn’t help

I just don’t know how you pivot with Rand anymore. The way they’re probably going to try to make him interesting is to make him the Dragon, but that kind of a conflict is really difficult to make a character interesting at this point of the story. There is a danger of being the Dragon, hence you should be invested in

Something that bothers me is that even despite being in episode 6, ultimately the rules and everything associated still feels pretty vague to me. Which in turn makes it difficult to really get a handle on why things happening the way they are aside from the fact that this is what needs to happen. As a result, things

Really looking forward to this, especially with the introduction of Vesemir and the focus on Geralt/Ciri relationship as I feel that is what makes the show genuinely feel special.

This episode was really carried by Pike , and Okonedo naturally, with them doing some excellent heavy lifting at times. It was also the first time it felt like the show earned putting Moiraine to the heart of its promotional material. There was just something really heartfelt with the dynamics between the two

On the show in general, I actually myself most intrigued by Charlotte’s family story. We have that long history of who she is a character and who Harry is, so watching that person dealing with the perfect adopted daughter and the biological daughter seeking her own self family dynamic is genuinely interesting to me.

The reason I thought was cluttered because that was what the execution was.

Let alone then at some point Maya starts with the masked woman before again starting fighting with her. There was no reason in the way the fight progressed.

Unless your argument is that the only way the show could introduce Yelena was by having the two protagonists break into Maya’s apartment, I don’t understand your defense here. Yes, it made sense to involve Maya once that breakin happened. At the same time, that decision took away from Yelena’s introduction.

Oh, it’s a completely logical assumption. It just the scene played where it didn’t come across that Clint was at all surprised was what made it so weird.

I cannot comprehend Echo. Like at all. While I initially was intrigued by her coming show, now I’m annoyed because there doesn’t be a set of rules that apply to what she can and cannot do.

As a larger story sidenote, there were two aspects of Clint’s reaction to Yelena and declaring that she was a Widow assassin that made absolutely no sense to me. First in the Black Widow movie, didn’t they establish that Natasha thought that she and Clint had destroyed the Red Room? So wouldn’t Clint have then also

Halfway through the episode I was thinking that they are really running out of time to bring out Yelena and there she was. Just seeing her face at the end made my heart swoon as she is all that is good in this world.

On the last part, I’d argue a little bit that certain parts go with it more willingly because it fits a world view. There’s was this interesting note made that when this started, originally a lot of African-American sites and commentators who were either silent or really hesitant on how to present the events. As the