
Oh, if they had established how Valda knew Egwene could channel, I would have had no issues with his character. Still not that interesting, but at least everything fit the function he served. But his instinctive knowledge of just knowing that Egwene could channel that was never questioned by anyone in the actual scene

I’m splitting this to a separate comment as it is somewhat tangential, but I realized that one of the big issues the show has with the Aes Sedai is that it tells us about all the political intrigue there, but never establishes what it means. Here we are told that Liandrin, and the Reds, are gaining political

After having written the comment, I actually found myself pondering how much of the issue there is connected with how difficult a character Liandrin is to comprehend in the current presentation. Out of all the major character, I would probably have the most difficulties explaining her to someone not watching the show

For me, it wasn’t even that Valda was extremely evil, I can work with that, but that he didn’t make sense. Not only does the show not explain how he killed all those Aes Sedai, which was a big question I had as well, but then there was that statement from him that Egwene could channel, which she can, while also

What made the whole subplot even odder was that this cannot be a rare occurance, it feels impossible that almost every Warder dies before their bonded Aes Sedai. So there should be this larger context and experience with the subject than what the actual scenes seemed to indicate. Writing that I realize that it is one

I was quoting was directly in that scene. It’s great that you are explaining to me stuff from the books that I knew, but I’m discussing what they actually did. Although I will admit they didn’t man-haters, Moiraine said that Nynaveve doesn’t share their contempt for me. Which is the reason the Reds won’t be able to

To my great shock, Egwene became my absolute favorite in this episode. Before she’d been more on the background, so I didn’t really get a handle on the character, but here she really shone. Not just the magic part, although that was one of the most clever bits on the show so far, but her whole presence in the

So before starting, I will freely admit that I don’t really know what the hell to make of the scene I’m about to refer. With that stated, that Moraine/Liandrin scene was absolutely fucking insane.

What is even weirder is that Alan Ritchson isn’t even the 6'5 from the books, he is 6'2 according to his Wikipedia, which is about the same height as I am.

I don’t know, I’ll be honest after watching I just liked Cruise’s version better. Here this just feels like a big guy who is a physical juggernaut, and kind of boring to be honest, while with Cruise’s version there was this intensity that he had to bring into it to make him feel like that unstoppable force.

But this really hits on my hesitation on the show as well in how it will deal with Clint’s actions as Ronin. When you are just blindly killing criminals, you will inherently leave behind those grieving as those criminals have children, friends and loved ones. So if they pull some reveal how it actually wasn’t Clint,

Damn, I didn’t even think on the obscurity of the father’s death. Excellent observation.

And that’s a smarter approach to have than my hesitation. After all why not enjoy the ride as long as you can.

As much as I adored Echo, I am a little bit worried for the reasons mentioned in the review. They gave her such great motivation, but for me Marvel has a really bad track record in actually sticking with those nuanced characters so I’m worried where this story will lead.

The following is pure speculation, just thought to throw it in here. I’m also not certain about this at all.

While I loved the car chase scene, I was also thrown off how chill Kate seemed to be about brutally killing someone. As there was no way in hell the driver of that van survived that kind of an explosion. What made it even weirder is that the rest of chase they went out of their way to show how no one died, even that

This is a little bit of cheating as it isn’t reference to any specific episode of the podcast, but I was recently again pondering how fascinating the journey of the Behind the Bastards podcast has been over the years. I was just relistening some of the older stuffs, I started following it pretty much as soon as it

I mean, you are right in that the show is only starting which is why I based my comments what it has shown so far. Having written that I am so confused in that in response to my comment how I don’t find arguments that require making up context not presented in anyway on the show compelling, you made up a lot of stuff

So I don’t find your explanation on the Egwene comparison compelling for two reasons. First, and this is a personal view, but if you have to come up with an ‘unreliable narrator’ argument that isn’t supported by anything actually shown or even indicated in the show so far in order to have something make sense, then,

It might also be lowered/more realistic expectations on what the game actually is. One of the fundamental issues, at least for me, with CP2077 was that even from a story point of view, it felt really... I don’t know, half-done by the end. Now I’m not writing that here to bash it, but rather I do think that if I played