
Might be, but the introduction of a female Dragon, even as a concept, is such a drastic change from the books that for that to be a possibility would require also the Aes Sedai to be fundamentally different. Which they are not.

That last sentence pretty much sums up my current issue with the show’s Rand. I didn’t even like the Rand in the books and he was more of a character than what we have here.

Despite my snarky initial response, no issue. It’s just my general pet peeve when discussing shows or movies when someone starts explainig character motivations from the books as we ultimately have to judge the show/movie on what they are showing us.

So even after rereading my comment, I’m still a bit confused as I was talking about the show and your response is about the books. Which have their own set of issues and where I also consider Rand a really dull character, but that is a separate issue.

While I admit that it’s only four episodes in and the show has plenty of time to address this, but so far the magic and casters in this world feel really perplexing to me. As questionable as the Jordan WoT magic system was, at least it was consistant. Yet here, so far, it comes across as this weird mixture of trying

I’ve actually been shocked about becoming probably my favorite character in the show so far. And to me it‘s a tricky situation as what has made it happen is also actively hurting Rand, especially since they are paired up.

I agree with the roles of the Four, but the problem is that Rand is such a fundamentally piece of block of a character. It goes to the writing of the show as there is nothing truly interesting about him in anyway, which is a choice because they could have done additions with him or make him feel like someone we should

For me, the biggest hurdle of the show is knowing who the Dragon is, at least according to the books. And while it is certainly possible they change it, and to be honest I would so welcome it, at the moment they do also seem so deadset on the generality of the books even with the changes. So I’m going to go into the

Which would be fair if it wasn’t so ridiculously easy test out that hypothesis and find that Aes Sedai will always admit to being Aes Sedai if asked directly.

Damn, I forgot about the Tolkien adaption.

Oh completely agreed and I wasn’t defending the judge’s position at all. It was a situation where he took a question that is honestly important, but applied it to one of the few cases where it is difficult to think that maybe this particular dude should be sent away.

This one was such a baffling situation as even after reading the comments, I couldn’t quite understand the judge’s position. I mean I got the reasons for it, but even his comments seemed to undermine his own view on it. The quotes were almost contradictory.

Okay, watching so far my main enjoyment has been how clunky majority of the scenes have been.

I think they are spending a lot on this as, at least based on Amazon’s big fantasy epic while Shadow and Bone is clearly one of Netflix shows that has it niche. So the expectation for return is probably a lot higher with WoT.

I think that is an excellent point. Another example is what GW did with Warhammer Fantasy where they moved it back from the relentless bleakness, although there the shades were always more present to begin with.

The way the first TK forced that Baskin/Exotic comparison was beyond baffling. There is a sequence there is still burned to my mind where they were pretty explicitly implying that the people who work at Baskin’s sanctuary are just as much cult members as what Exotic and Doc were doing, which was a mind-blowing thing

Oh, I wasn’t complaining about the general use of older actors, just that with NHIE it wasn’t well masked.

I groaned so hard when I got the part about the student athlete-coach relationship and that is seriously making me reconsider watching this show. A part of me wants to believe they actually present how inherently questionable it is instead of being hot due to seeeeecreeets, but hesitant on that.

I don’t know if it’s name recognition even. Never Have I Ever has also some absolutely insane casting choices when it comes to age that really undermine the dynamics and it doesn’t even add to the age there.

Reading this bums me out a bit as I was really looking forward to the show. Still will watch and might enjoy it more now with lowered expectations, but can’t help sighing a bit. The reason I was enthusiastic about this was that while I absolutely adore the original anime, I did think that there was more than enough