
Jesus Christ, before you pointed that out, I hadn’t even considered Beyonce’s lack of actual hits in recent years. Man, the Swift swoop suddenly became even more impressive for me.

I keep making this point, but I never expected Taylor Swift becoming one of the most fascinating artists of her generation when she was first making her rise. Probably nobody did, fair enough, but it’s the way she’s done it and claimed control over herself.

While I overall I enjoyed the episode, I felt this episode really struggled with ending the sketches. Like it’s a common issue with SNL, but here it really came across that they had struggled with figuring out how to end some neat concepts.

That was such a crazy astonishing achievement that I’m still coming into grips with it. What made it so astonishing is that all of it was ultimately really simple, but gripping to a degree that it didn’t feel long despite being ten effing minutes.

Taylor Swift continues be such a fascinating person and I mean that in the most respectful way possible.

This cannot be repeated enough.

The thing with Garrus is that while what you write is true, there’s not a lot of it actually verbalized or shown in the actual ME2 game. As they made absolutely insane decision to essentially cut off the cast interactions at the point when they either became romances or not.

Except the Star Child didn’t lie as there is a logical explanation within the game of why it destroyed both the Geth evolution in ME3 as well as EDI are both based on Reaper technology.

Liara is so... a lot in ME1 that when playing the Legendary, I had to grit my teeth and force myself through those scenes with the knowledge of what was to come.

In context that’s actually a pretty cool tease as they’ve already established that the Destroy ending is the canon choice for this game, which makes the Geth show here actually pretty interesting. Especially because that, along with EDI, was the huge price of the Destroy choice.

As a sidenote related to the squad choices in ME1, when I played the Legendary edition, I decided to choose Kaiden as the Virmire survivor as I almost always Ashley at the time when the first playing the games. Not only that, but back in the Bioware forums she was the much more popular character and Kaiden was often

Oh, I feel that actually applies to a lot of the characters. I’d add Liara to the list as her story arc over the games is such that for me she is the true romantic choice for Shepard. However, not only is she really boring in ME1, but she is such a bizarre combination of wish fulfillment qualities. She is of this

These are the days when it is difficult to keep the faith in humanity. At least it is until I remember that we also created Garrus Vakarian, so it is a net positive.

The MLK quote might actually be even worse than I initially thought it to be. The Ringer, when writing on this, pointed out that MLK had actually very specifically explained what he meant with an unjust law in that it was a law set by a majority that applied to a minority, but not the majority itself.

Really, damn? Hadn’t realized that. I knew about Cousins and that Allen had made noises to that direction.

So NFL actually has a vaccination rate 94% or something close to that and it has been pointed out that a lot of governments would kill for that. The thing is that when they set the mandate, they gave those having the vaccine a competitive edge which is often a big deal when the margins are as small as they are.

Oh God, I forgot this particular gem:

Oh, I’m not defending Rodgers at all here, just pointing out that there are allergic reactions to the vaccine. Although there is a fun fact that when I went and read on it, the reliable medical information sites were pretty specific that they don’t yet know exactly what is causing those allergic reactions. So

...It wasn’t a Joe Rogan interview? Also I’ve seen this touched on already a lot on NFL media. Packers is a huge team and Rodgers is a massive NFL star.

I realized that there are a couple of context points that need to be made about McAfee.