
I thoroughly enjoyed this episode and its committment to that weird ambiance that Malek has. It was again one of those neat shows where they clearly considered who was the host and how to build the sketches to fit that person instead of just doing random stuff. I’ve also started to wonder if that is almost a signal on

This was also my biggest hesitation on the film as how far would the Rock be willing to go, but this really assuaged some of those fears.

Yeah. While I do love Bale and Bat!Fleck, I feel this might be my favorite performance of the character so far. And it is really ingenious how they obviously made the cowl to allow for that emoting. Reducing the tank quality and trusting the actor to bring that fury instead.

As a sidenote, watching the whole show started getting hilarious as the last hour was basically ‘Trust us, the Batman trailer is coming up any moment now.”

Jesus Christ that trailer somehow managed to exceed my expectations. Just the teases of action and camera shots were sublime, I legit cannot wait to see this in a theater. When the trailer hit that hallway fight where Batman just takes those bullets with the muzzlefire being the light source, I just yelped in

But that’s a completely different thing your implying. First of all, even just by trying to create a cinematic universe by first establishing the team is a fundamentally different approach than what MCU did. Also even you wrote they were trying to coast off the Dark Knight trilogy success, which would not be the MCU.

There are moments where I think that AV Club assumes that everything DC Cinematic Universe does is somehow in response or ripping off MCU.

This was pretty much what I wanted to see. I mean of course a full trailer would have been nice, but even this gave the sense that they remaining true to the character’s brutality and darkness. Hell, just after this I’m kind of intrigued how the Black Adam/Shazam dynamic.

Damn, I always forget he made Insomnia and that one counts. Memento I little bit shrug off as that is more of a cinematic narrative experimentation Nolan really likes doing.

This project really confuses. Not that I’m down on it, but rather that I would never have guessed this would be Nolan’s next project. As a filmmaker, he seems most interested in visual storytelling and new tricks, while often not being that focused on deep characterizations. Which this project seems to be more about.

I hadn’t realized she was on that podcast, I’ll have to look the interview up. Thanks for mentioning it.

Really fascinating subject and I’m tempted to giving the book a chance. However whenever I read on this discussion, and I’m certain the book addresses to a degree the point I’m about to make, something I can’t avoid pondering is that there is no such as untouched desire. With which I mean that as it is a reflection of

I realize that the following will receive pushback, but I don’t think the AC series always having ambition and looking ahead. Now that doesn’t mean that they always succeed in those ambitions and the AC2 series did lean on cashcow filler while making AC3, but that willingness to kind of go somewhere else if the

If you don’t like the review, maybe you should accept it as simply a dissenting opinion. Also it kind of says something about your argument in that you had to resort to personal insults against the reviewer so fast.

Yeah, it’s almost like it’s their job where they are paid to play through these games and give their opinions on them.

This very review states that Valhalla was considered one of the best games of last year. It is literally used as an example of Ubisoft not resting on their laurels and just doing the same thing.

Yeah, the Final Fantasy comparison threw me for a loop there. As if all the FF games had been carbon copies of each other, then I guess there would have been some criticism of them.

Yeah, I think that’s the frustratingly baffling aspect of the current FC games. They really want to create those setting and stories that evoke very unambigious connections to the real world. However, not only are they completely unwilling to say anything meaningful, they actively avoid anything that might be

This is an interesting listing to think on, not just because of the general lack of consensus on the Bond movie quality, but also because I feel especially the Craig Era Bonds can be divided into how they felt the day after and how they felt six months later. For me, that is what makes NTTD such a fitting final film

The more I think on Johnson’s Biden, the more I like it as he almost unexpectedly went more muted than brash with it. For example, to think on Carrey’s Biden, he would have been a much more explosive force there, but I feel this one captures the current Biden who is just trying to find a way to balance all that chaos