
Man, it was just such a delight to return to SNL this episode and while it wasn’t spectacular, it had that warm comfort to it. I also thought that it was an interesting episode as you while it kept a steady course, you could see the elements that can make SNL great or horrid constantly, it just never leaned on either

For all the positive, there was something that drove me nuts in this episode.

This was probably my favorite darker What If episode so far and actually managed to make MCU!Ultron work for me. I think while the Avengers 2 Ultron was kind of bland, his approach does manage to make him a suitable Multiverse level threat. The motivation required is there.

I see Clueless Hero has been playing Wrath of the Righteous. Now granted, it’s nowhere near as bad as Kingmaker, but man that just hit so hard.

Oh, I like Brie Larson as well, for me Carol Danvers is generally the fundamental problem. The reason I thought she worked here is that that blandness played off of Party!Thor really well.

As a sidenote, the craziest beat of the episode for me wasn’t even the ending, but that tablet spot. It was so absurd and drawn-out that I started wondering if Apple or Samsung was sponsoring the episode.

I absolutely loved this episode because of how insanely silly it was and the utter committal to it. Also I did laugh a lot, so since the comedy worked for me, it helped the episode along. The God of Partying is just such a natural gimmick for Thor and he was so enjoyable that for once I didn’t find Captain Marvel

But I don’t think that’s a fair criticism as they are reassessing their views on Minaj based on her recent behaviour. For me, that is what this article is truly about, re-examining behavior that was considered to represent something before and now considering if it was actually signal of something else.

For me, this has been such an interesting media storm not just because of Minaj’s ncreasing insanity in handling it, but because there is still that discomfort from a lot of the media fronts to address it and how it reflects on their interpretation of her. For example, I’ve noticed that a lot of the late night hosts

As another comment here points out, it seems like Minaj is at this point desperate for that win and what bigger win of being seen taken seriously on this matter than getting that White House invitation. The more I think on it, the more likely it feels that it was a calculated move to force the righteous vindication.

Even while I get the argument here about it always having been about power to Minaj, and I do think this is an interesting tale of the other side of the coin when it comes to brash personalities like her, I’m still staggered on her inability to just accept the loss here and move on. Like she told an insanely stupid

I get why you are torn and I did end up thinking on your point to a larger degree. What I found myself stumped on is that this is a logical approach, and advice from the lawyer, as long as one of two assumptions holds true: 1) Petito is actually completely fine and the boyfriend knows that, or 2) The boyfriend is

While I do get the argument and the example is very illustrative, I still have a fundamental problem with it in that based on that logic no one should ever aid the police in a missing person case because they could be charged with it. And I get that it is completely for the boyfriend to talk to the lawyer first, but

This is such a baffling case. Not even touching on the Instagram section of it. Also, and this isn’t a defense of anything, but in the incident the police were called to, Petito stated that she was had been dealing with anxiety and the fight had begun because she was concerned that he would take the car and leave

What makes it so funny for me is that I consider Wrath to be a vast improvement compared to Kingmaker in almost every way, at least so far as I’ve played, yet at the same time the character system feels drastically more confusing. It isn’t helped that almost every companion class is from one of those new shiny

Trevor Noah and the Daily Show did a segment on this which I found myself really torn on. So, for context, TDS has for a while now tried to steer subjects away from internet outrage and trying to point out why they are often simplifying the subject or something that to degree. And generally I find that quite admirable

Is there literally anything in the episode to indicate that was the sequence of events? Do you have access to the script that had that as a cut sequence? Here’s the thing, I don’t expect others to be bothered by that, I was just writing my own thoughts on the subject. However, the seeming argument that it wasn’t the

Wanted to add to that Suri beat, the reason it annoyed me so much is that it’s not an answer, no matter how much MCU generally likes to pretend it is. Especially here where it somehow involved her pulling out evidence out of air that Erik killed both Tony and T’Challa without any indication how. It was just so

This was one of those episodes that I had no issues ignoring the questionable storybeats and oddly subpar action scenes because Killmonger was just such a fascinating and awesome character. It worked here and watching it, I kept thinking how, for me, he is without the best antagonist MCU has produced so far.

This was my initial reaction as well. It doesn’t help that Spider-man pretty much wholesale rips of the Arkham game mechanics, which isn’t a bad thing, but that sure as hell won’t work for Logan.