
Fortunately (?) it’s not a new trend. The acronym stands for Testosterone Replacement Therapy, basically its this questionable science that some men see a drastic drop in their testosterone level when they age which requires treatment to increase their testosterone levels back to quality of life levels.

I’m just going to put this here as a sign of how successful the deplatforming has been as this hasn’t been bigger news.

I recently watched this really interesting video which compared Lee and Grant. The main takeaway was that despite the revisionist history that Lee was a grand general, Grant’s achievements were superior to Lee on basically every metric.

Somewhat amusingly reading this I realized that my biggest worry, and the central challenge for the show, is that do they stay true to the original ending. As to me it was thematically so powerful that the ones who lived were the ones who were able to let go of the burdens of their past.

The episode was okay, but what detracted from it for me was that it seemed to impossible to settle a tone. Like if they want to do this setting with a more comedic approach, that’s completely fine, but then they suddenly inserted a big drama moment with the seeming exception that it would work just as well. It was a

Okay, this is a very nit-picky comment, but the show wasn’t based on Neil Gaiman’s Lucifer stories, but on the Mike Cary comic that was spun out of the Neil Gaiman’s Sandman storyline. I recall the showrunners being pretty specific about that when the series started.

I guess what makes it one of the worst for me is that I thought the movie set up a lot of really interesting character concepts, but never did anything with them almost aggressive degree. To compare to Black Widow, while it is also a clumsy movie, it pays off what it sets up. This movie doesn’t, which results in that

Agree to really disagree on the soul eating dragon.

This actually an interesting point as I both agree and disagree with this. I thought the kid!Shang-Chi was actually a compelling character, but the adult!Shang-Chi was mostly there. And, for me, it wasn’t even about the actor.

While I wasn’t expecting that, it would have more sense if that had been the post-credit scene as that can at least somehow work with the utter lack of character development over the film.

As I literally just came home from watching this film, I’m just going to put this reaction here. It is a personal opinion and I’m not arguing this as some grand truth, in fact based on AV Club’s general commentary so far I assume I will be in the minority with this which is fine.

I’m actually kind of shocked how not-GoT that trailer felt. Not a positive or a negative, just had expected that would be the feeling the show would go after.

The collection of the Marvel characters is kind of hilarious. Not in a bad sense, but it’s just such a weird mix. Like you have Captain Marvel, Iron Man, Wolverine and Captain America probably because they need to be in every Marvel game. But then you have Doctor Strange, Blade and Ghost Rider, which make sense due to

This also hits on why I find the first comment such an absurd response to the criticism here.

This was actually my favorite episode of What If so far in the sense that it actually did something with the concept that made sense to a degree. And while it had sure its issues, such as O’Bengh being surprisingly chill about helping Strange destroy the universe or that weird time-split thing, none of itu felt like

I mean I feel the central issue with Guardian is a bigger problem in the Arrowverse shows in that everyone, literally everyone, has to be a superhero in some manner. Even characters where it makes absolutely no sense for them to have such an identity.

I’m so torn by this news. I absolutely loved Life Is Strange and do think the story can be told in a show format as well. It will just require some different focus on the narrative and expanding more of Max working through her power. Additionally the game had a pretty good supporting cast, so the show format would

This is actually a pretty good point, even if I disagree somewhat on the alieanatin, partially because that division reflects on what the game did right. At first I thought that it wouldn’t be that big of an issue for the show as then the watcher won’t make those narrative choices, so it won’t be affected as much by

For me it’s not even that the plot made no sense, I can roll with that, but there were just so many elements that were needlessly complicated for the level of plot they were going for. Which is essentially everything involving the Conquistadores.

I had fun watching the movie, but man was that plot crazy on so many levels. Not that it bothered me that much, but still. Like the whole conquistador angle was so insane because not only were they the visually coolest part of the movie while not really doing anything, but I still can’t completely comprehed why they