
I came to realize that one of the weird issues with this version the L Word, and that Dana call back made me understand it, is that as a show, it doesn’t really seem to be interested in making any of the main characters likable.

Honestly, Bad Blood is still one of the best non-fiction books I’ve read in recent years and was so good at highlighting how Theranos exemplified the issues in the start-up model.

Their relationship reportedly began in 2003, which is also when Holmes dropped out of college to start her startup. So the defense is able to make the timeline work and there have always been somewhat uncomfortable elements in the dynamics there from the start.

Man, my mistake as I only remembered the eye implant.

What makes the Cyberpunk mechanic even more hilarious is that in the game, it isn’t that the ammo is non-lethal. No, you can choose to have an eye implant which makes the shots non-lethal.

While I fundemantelly disagree with the argument here, I also acknowledge that especially is a very subjective argument.

Okay, Midnight Sons came out in the 90s and I do actually remember reading it. And while Lilith has been in other comics, I’ll also stand by my statement that she feels really random in this context.

I kind of dig this trailer because I felt got at least the idea of what they see at the heart of the Saint’s Row franchise and what parts of it. Colorful environments, crazy action, friendship with a personable group and stylish villains. I can live with that.

The game might be good, but at least the trailer feels so super-random. It doesn’t seem to really connect with the larger Marvel mythos, instead it is this new character facing of another new character flanked by a really random collection of Marvel heroes.

Now, I rather within that concept it became baffling because it didn’t explore anything new. It’s just well those characters died, but doesn’t really matter.

Actually reading this I realized that the episode would have been so much stronger if it had been told from Hank’s perspective. That instead of making it in to a mystery if they made it about Hank’s descend into madness and executing all these murders.

Yeah, that’s why I’m so surprised by this as there is now a huge question of why did Visa/Mastercard change their minds here. Because in order for them to get assurances, there had to be something to even show signs of changing on the banking side.

When I was watching the initial credits, I noticed Jaimie Alexander’s name and was intrigued to see how Lady Sif would play into the episde. When Thor got killed, even made a guess that it would lead to her becoming the new wielder of Mjolnir or something like that.

This one was kind of wild as I enjoyed it while watching it, but the ending left me so flat that I disliked it instantly. Part of the problem was that, as written, the central mystery of the show is kind of underwhelming when finished, but the second one is more because of my own faulty assumptions. The reason I

Yeah, considering what happened in the series, they’d really need to reboot the whole franchise. Especially since thinking back on the series, the tonal shifts between each part were so massive that I almost feel that as a whole it doesn’t age that well. In that if they now announced Saint’s Row 5, I don’t really know

They probably did, at least once they started hitting those numbers as it draws attention as well.

...You do realize those porn movies aren’t real life either, right? It is essentially still the site selling blatantly sex based entertainment, which in certain cases are among Patreon’s biggest earners.

What I can’t wrap my mind around is that in order to make themselves a better investment, they destroyed the part of their business that makes them profitable in the first place. And what is so staggering to me is that I’m certain some investors are still going to see fit dumbing a ton of money in this thing.

Aside from the Taliban Republicans throw, I kind of found myself thinking on similar tracks. To be truthful, this decision benefits the adult industry studios so much as there had been a lot of talk about how much OnlyFans improved performers negotiation power that I instantly started going through conspiracy theories

Patreon’s actually kind of a weird example as there is a lot of explicit sexual fiction being supported by that site. As long as it’s not the I-word or feature minors, it is fine by them and keep on going. Not complaining about that as it allows supporting a certain industry.