
I get why this is happening, but Jesus Christ is it beyond infuriating. And unfortunately because of the stigma of sex work, it won’t get the media fury it richly deserves.

I just want everyone in the game to, at least once, stop to stare at the MC in bafflement when he does the ‘I am... ExeKiller’ line.

While I find the visuals absolutely gorgeous, I find it really difficult to get excited for this film. Not even because the concept is lacking, but because it is introducing a relatively big cast of new characters that fill out a completely previously unexplored mythos in the MCU. While at the same time there is a

“So Your Honor, I was driving when I saw this kid walking along the road. After insisting that he gets in to the car with me, he started telling me about all the things in the world he wanted to see, so we just started touring the country. No, of course we didn’t tell his parents or even let them know he was fine, I

Or to keep it really simple, have T’Challa have a fight with his father or something else happen that he thinks he can’t go back. And then later in the episode state that it is too late for him to go back before coming across that ship and understanding that that family is still there for him.

That was it, thank you. I for some reason realized with the quest related summaries, but didn’t expect it at the start.

I struggled with this episode a lot more than I thought I would. Don’t get me wrong, I found it to be just a fun heist episode and thought there was a lot of funny beats. Especially Korath was such a constant barrel of joy here, each line just making bust out laughing.

No, it sure doesn’t. At least when I click on the link. I checked it three times as I was writing the comment and even now.

Reading that patch description was kind of hilarious as it starts with stating that ‘The 1.3 patch will provide the following free DLCs:’ and the just starts listing patches. I kind of want to believe that DLC management sees patching the game as DLC as it makes me giggle so much.

While I think there are critical flaws in comparing between Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk releases, for example I would argue that in Witcher 3 it didn’t feel like they cut back on their mission design, I agree that it is really intriguing how differently CDPR’s free DLC approach has been been received this time.

I really would argue against doing such a comparison with Mass Effect 3. Not just because ME3 wasn’t a fundamentally broken game when shipped, but also because I don’t know how you could claim the ME team didn’t have to deal with a way worse fan reaction. I mean there has been nothing even close to the Hold The Line

This is the defense which I really struggle to comprehend. Here’s the thing: The game has to be published at some point, right? They had years to work on it and based on what information has come out, the brokeness of the game is a direct consequence of design choices made by management during development. So the idea

I’m really only realizing how badly the creative decisions on PLL burned me on the main actresses as I found myself instantly hesitating on the casting based on Hale’s performance there.

I do wonder if the reaction is partially driven by it being a Kickstarter game. Not to excuse the baffling request, but rather that it is the only context I can think of to partially get where the argument is coming from. I remember seeing the games Kickstarter page ages ago and actually went back to read it now and,

It’s older than that, not that you were implying that it only started with TLJ. For me, in retrospect the first time I saw that mentality really start to drive the discussion was with the reception of Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3. Not in that people had negative reactions to the game, but rather the way there was

By the way, just to gush of the film, point about the ending of the film so really HEAVY SPOILER WARNING.

I absolutely loved Free Guy, like to the degree that I’m still shocked how much I adored it, but I don’t know what the sequel would even be about. They wrapped that story really well in the movie that was clearly intended as stand-alone and it didn’t leave that room for organic growth.

Fair argument. I think that would have come more across to me in the episode if Peggy wasn’t wearing the Union Jack but instead just a regular-ish uniform. Then it would have fitting.

When I come across these ads, I’ve found it really funny to go to the game’s Google Play page and read the reviews explain how the game is nothing like the ads suggest.

That is pretty good, by the way, even if you agree with the original commentor’s position. I probably would have gone with a very similar route in that by making those choices with Steve, the MCU kind of doubledowned on his ridiculous romantization of that period of time.