
Actually my comment was more on the latter part of the original response. The first half is kind of a weak argument in my opinion, but at least it has something that one can argue and debate. The second part, though, is essentially that it is a comic book character, so they need to be simple. Like what the hell is

So a momnet of honesty. I legitimately do not know how to answer this response. Not because I think that your arguments are so strong, actually the opposite, but rather because this feels like it is exemplifying my problem with the resistance to even critically discuss Captain America.

Probably was, still think it is preposterous claim. Also saying that calling Carter, who is literally wearing costume emulating the Captain Britain costume and swinging around a sword, would be non-sensical is kind of a point where I don’t even know where to go with the discussion.

So I’m not going to comment on Tomorrow, not only becauseI have not seen the film, but also because I’ve grown to instinctually loathe any role Chris Pratt plays.

I kind of want to throw this out there as I just saw Free Guy and absolutely loved that movie, it is an interesting film to think about from this context. In the sense that I would argue that even for a movie featuring a white male main character, it actually does a some really interesting examination of those toxix

I’m still trying to get over that resignation speech as that was such a doozy. Both the fact that he resigned and that even while doing so he kept fighting it. Also the way he rejected the claims while claiming that we should believe women was something worthy of that defense video of his.

I recomend reading the New York Times article on what was happening behind the scenes as until the very end Cuomo seems to have thought he could just fight it out.

Two things. First of all I’ve read the comics and was aware of that. Second, that claim about it making things harder to introduce the actual Captain Britain is pretty preposterous. Especially considering MCU has made no moves at all to do so in the first place.

While I genuinely liked the episode, at the end of it I was a bit perhaps a bit letdown how nothing really felt different in this What-if. Like different stuff happened, yeah, but at the same time everything felt pretty much the same. Fortunately the action sequences were really good and the art style gave it that

Why do you think the Games won’t take place in 2024 as I’ve seen no signal from France that they are no longer interested in holding the event.

The first time I played an on-line team shooter was ME3 MP. And while I at least thought I was good at the main game, the Corpse Run brings up so many shameful memories of that MP experience.

Not commenting on what the translation indicates or not as I agree that that it comes across as really vague. I do, however, have a question on clip 2.

Okay, I’ll admit that when I read the headline, I was a bit shrugging thiss of as while not ideal, I don’t think there is something inherently wrong with having a romanctic character struggling with the trauma of having been a participant in something so horrible.

I’m kind of torn as I absolutely loved majority of the first season, but those last ten minutes was so horrid that I still haven’t get the taste of it out of my mouth.

Hell, that’s just the start of everything in that storyline. The problem, though, is that I don’t know how they could switch with any other nationality. There are just such specific aspects to that character.

As a sidenote, I just realized that there is absolutely no chance that they are going to do the Israeli Colonel storyline in the show, which is a pity as the final revelation of her motivation was a really neat twist.

After all this time, it feels really weird to finally watch the trailer for it.

I’m trying to think of a video game company hit this hard in a short period of time and coming up blank. Like naturally are companies that collapsed, but it was one or two things, not the flush like this.

I keep thinking that this show would have been difficult one to bring back to streaming partially because, and this is speculation on my part, I don’t think procedural shows work as well when released on streaming. I mean the shows once the library is there do well, but usually it doesn’t feel like what streaming goes

I think one of the reasons why this movie, and the series itself, is looked upon more kindly now is the changed context of how Batman is perceived. Nostalgia is naturally a big part, but I’m not referring to that.