
It’s actually kind of funny what a disasterous mess the current Flash is as it was pretty clear this is where things were going to head when Johns decided to bring back Barry.

I hadn’t really thought about it, but now that you mention it, yeah Miller’s Barry is really a lot like Bart. Although hadn’t seen the comparisons to Wally which feel really weird as that version was pretty far from Wally.

While I thought the second movie was alright, one of the many unintentional beats that amused me was when the little brother was surprised that the C telling them the story was Ziggy and not Cindy. How the hell was that story told to them that that part remained unclear while listening to it?

I kind of lost it when Verhoeven got to the part where he admitted that maybe sometimes intimacy coordinators were necessary, but he didn’t think it applied to France. That was kind of Jesus Christ, and not in a sex toy way, moment considering the growing criticism from women there.

While I kind of get your point, I don’t know how much I’m cheering that a talent agency is preventing artists from having almost no control over their own public image and interactions with the fanbase.

Really glad the movie did well, even if I personally found it just fine. After being reminded about Atomic Blonde, it just feels that there is a constant need for these female led action movies to prove their worth.

I’m about to write something that is kind of mindblowing if you don’t follow MMA.

That Awkward Zombie made me laugh pretty hard, not just because it reminded me of how guns in Cyberpunk become non-lethal because of an eye implant. At which point putting a gun to someone’s head and pulling the trigger? Will not kill them.

This episode really encapsulated my huge issue with this show. Now this is the first Star Wars show I’m watching, although I have a general idea what happens in the other ones. And before someone does the mandatory spiel how I need to watch those shows, I’m probably not going to and, to be truthful, not that genuinely

This was what partially made this episode feel like a failure for me. I get wanting to do some exploration of morals in a situation where someone feels an occupatio is just starting and they need to fight it. That’s actually an awesome story, it’s just that this episode just shrugged that part off to showcase how a

As easy as it is to be snarky towards Blackburn, we should also kind of respect. I mean, I don’t know a lot of people who are willing to listen to the opnions of totalitarian Marxist who want to take control of the music industry. Even if it is in a situation where both sides just want the best for Tennessee and

But was there anything in Endgame to support this take? As my feeling in the movie was that Natasha hadn’t made peace with anything aside from Clint must live because he’s the one with the family.

I personally thought the film was fine. The plot was pretty basic, the action sequences for the most part nice except the final big action sequence was underwhelming. Absolutely loved Yelena to the degree that I thought her mere presence and interactions made Natasha a better character. Was utterly baffled by the

It was weird, but I realized thinking on the movie later that Pugh was so good as Yelena, for me, that she actually elevated even Natasha. And I don’t mean that as a slam at Johanssen, who is good enough in the role, but that the interactions between two introduced a kind of depth and humanity to Natasha that none of

While I get the larger point there, for some reason it makes it even more hilarious to me that they cast four non-Russian to play a family of Russian agents.

Agreed on Atomic Blonde as it made a 100 million dollars on 30 million dollar budget and that’s just the theater release. Even if accounting for marketing expenses, numbers like that would usually be touted as a pretty big success and I’ve seen sequels greenlit with a lot less returns than that.

True. I think my issue hits on something that the review refers in that the show switced Loki’s primary relationship after two episodes. So if for example they had stuck with the Buddy cop approach, I think it would be easier for me to accept the change comes from those interactions. Instead we have this kind of a

Okay, now I see what you meant and you are completely right. Reading is fucking hard. Don’t feel about it, dude/tte, it is a hardship most of us have to deal with in one way or another.

But the interaction is always why the disturbance is created? The show has been really specific about that. And yeah, it is bad system design, which is why Sylvie was able to hid in the apocalypses.

While I enjoyed this episode, afterwards I felt torn because a lot of the things that were great for me here somehow highlighted the flaws of this season.