
No, the implication was that all the other Lokis died. The Old!Loki was a variant because didn’t die, but the TVA didn’t notice him until the first interacted with something as that was the first time he affected the timeline.

I guess I find it really weird that when I’m being critical of PoE2, instead of talking about the issue you seem to have with that you just go on a tangent about DA2. Which by the way, will admit the flaws and still love it deeply. And that even with the final rush there was nothing even close to the level of titanic

It’s almost as if I wrote that line in direct reference to something said in the comment I was responding to.

Okay, a couple of things. While there has been speculation about this subject, Michael Phelps himself has denied that he has Marfan Syndrome with test results supporting him on that. Additionally even if Phelps has the visible symptoms of the syndrome, it has been pointed that it is very unlikely that he could compete

It is bewildering and, to be honest, I have no idea what the answer even should be.

This was actually what I was thinking about because it suddenly hit me that a vast majority of female swimmers seem to have naturally flat hair. Never thought about it before this, but now I kind of get why.

The testorene level isn’t there to state if they are women, but if they fell within the category of having DSD, or a Difference of Sexual Development. With the perception that the extra testorene them an unfair competitive advantage over other female competitors. As it does in a way because is the reason why majority

I’m still so baffled by that swimcap decision by FINA as, even if there aren’t many African descendent swimmers, just such an insane stance to take. Like they knew that there’s a swimmer with that hair, the cap came up in discussion of that hair, and they still decided that nope, not a natural shape of a head.

Well, at least looking back he was able to parce out why cutting the work hours and then firing a woman you had an extramarital affair with after that said affair ended was a bad idea. Especially without anything concrete to back that decision up. It’s those sutble situations where it is so easy to take the wrong

Completely agreed with all that, still amused by the lack of mentions.

Oh, BG2 is a massive achievement, especially when you compare it to what the party was in BG1.

Just as a minor note, I do find it hilarious how no one in this thread has mentioned Kingmaker yet despite Wrath of the Righteous coming out in two months. Not a recommendation for the game, despite that I’ve understood they’ve finally gotten the balancing somewhat sorted out, just more of amusement of how good of a

I’m still furious over the final plot twist of PoE2 which is legitimately one of the most idiotic reveals I’ve ever come across in a game. The reason I bring that up is that I think both PoE games just have stuff that happens, which makes it feel hopeless. Hell, DA2 is a legitimate tragedy, but there it builds around

You kind of failed at being light-hearted there, to be honest. Partially because I still don’t really get the joke.

My literal first reaction when reading this was ‘But I just finished Mass Effect Legendary Edition’? And that I don’t know if 2012 is a a cRPG from ages ago?

Pathfinder Kingmaker came after PoE and is even more of a descendent of the BG games. Including doubling down in bizarre difficulty spikes and going for them even more.

Or then it is just bafflement over someone deciding to act like a caricature of a fanboy in the first lines of a game announcement that has nothing to do with Bioware.

Your point was about bad rules, not drug tests. If you genuinely watch sports, then you know that every major competition has a ton of rules which constantly impact the results. There’s also continuous complaining about people about what rules they consider to be bad.

Watching sports must be exhausting for you in that case.

The context of Richardson’s actions is what makes this one difficult. Don’t get me wrong, I’m for removing weed from the anti-doping list and having that larger discussion on doping activities in general. I also don’t think that it gives that meaningful of a competitive edge to be that alarmed about the results if