
What I find most intriguing with this reboot is what are the lessons it will take from the original. To me, PLL is in retrospect a fascinating fall of grace for a show, at least from a critical perspective, as it started as this provocative show that opposed certain narratives only to end up as almost a caricature of

I don’t know, for me explaining the DAI plot is probably the easiest of all the DA games as it is about as simple as it gets. Which isn’t a negative in itself in anyway.

I’m a bit torn on this as I really like the thought of going to Tevinter and I’m hopeful that the DA development team is finally willing to look at things that worked in DA2, yet at the same time I’ve rarely seen a game promotion kill my interest as effectively as this one has. Like that DA4 dev team talks video is so

The episode’s whole thesis was that Loki not being alone is the biggest Nexus event ever witnessed?

This episode I found myself wondering about two speculative logistical questions relating to the show. First, I wonder if the show would be better served by a Netflix kind of a full season release as it almost feels that that way it could maintain this momentum instead of forcing to think for a week how kind of

Hell, I had difficulties following them with the captions on.

For all my issues with the show, I let out a high-pitched squel when Kid!Loki hit the screen.

While this might end up being true, what exactly was established in this episode that would support that reading?

This isn’t meant as a defense, as I have the same issue, but I think it’s by design. They seem to be setting up that Loki’s have inherently powerful magic in them that is just channeled into some outlet. So for example the reversing tower in the last episode was actually him using magic to move the tower aside and was

I’m perhaps a bit relieved to read how much the lawsuit is being mocked by legal professionals. Not because I have some intense hatred of Avellone, but because I kept reading through the various stuff here and tried to figure out how this was a good idea in anyway.

I’d argue that it’s even a little bit more complicated than that. When they launched Flash, it was actually somewhat close at the start to the comic book character. Green Arrow never really had that clear identity, but they just wholesale stole from Batman on that show. And with Supergirl, while it was marketed as a

As a sidenote, I don’t think I’ve seen in a while this big of a divergence with the review and commentary reactions to a CW DC show as here. It also kind of highlights how difficult it has been to assess how well this season, or actually Batwoman in general.

For me, the fundamental hurdle with this season is that what exactly makes this show a Bat-Show? It is about a random person who found a Batsuit and decided to be a hero fighting random people with at best tangential connections to Bat-Mythos in a Gotham that is pretty generic. And while Black Mask is from the comics,

As due to the magic of the YouTube algorithm I’ve been doing a deep dive in to Conan clips, it is amazing just how from every period of his career there are these amazing segments that still crack me up today. He has often talked about how his approach is the more goofy comedy segments as they are often ageless, but

I’m a bit confused by the headline as both in the trailer and in the press release it seems like people are seeking vengeance against Elba and King.

Here’s the thing, they put that spot there which was utterly unnecessary and undercut the final moment of despair as it underlined that it was within his head. As for my puzzlement for why not have Loki react to it, I still don’t get why that fucking scene was there to begin with as the whole final sequence was the

I really hope that they manage get Russo to guest on the show as Frigga as the groundwork they’ve done so far almost requires for Loki to have that moment with his mother and find the same kind of peace Thor did. And while the Mobious theory makes sense in a way, I’d personally find it unsatisfying as even as a Frigga

I was also underwhelmed by this episode for multitude of reasons, most of them touched on by the review. What bothered me the most was not just the vagueness of the Loki Variant stuff as seriously, what exactly makes Sylphie a Loki variant as she doesn’t seemt to have that much in common with Loki, but that Loki

True. I actually would have preferred if there was a joke there about how much Snake Eyes always talks as it would have felt like it was setting up for that character trait.

I’m fine with it overall, even seeing the face that had been shown at least in the comics. What I’m perhaps most curious about is that silence was a huge part of the Snake Eyes character, so it will be interesting to see how the origins movie sets that up.