
This article hits on a lot of aspects that are driving me nuts about the current situation when it comes to PornHub and especially MindGeek. And I don’t mean that in a sense that there’s anything in the article, but rather the discussion and response I’ve seen on it.

Mass Effect 2 party interactions decision is more blatantly insane to me every time I play it. Just putting in six romantic options, making a big deal about it in marketing, yet not making any of them same sex options. Not even from a personal need perspective, but it felt so incredibly tone deaf at that point. And

I just reached ME3 in the Legendary Edition and damn I love this game. It also hit me that ME3 is one of those rare games for me in that it has been better each time I’ve played it. The emotion, the pacing, the atmosphere, the character interactions, the game system. It is just a sheer delight.

I’d add to this that just the overall level it hits those emotional beats with the teammates in ME3 is amazing.

My absolutely favorite bit of dialogue in the episode is summarized below:

While the Lady!Loki reveal was odd, and might be a red herring, the headdress was there and I don’t know if they would have lied about her being a Loki variant. However, what I do love about the concept is that she as a character hits on how dangerous Loki would be if he kind of got over himself and focused. Although

Another indication of this is the Mobius statement about how the TVA created them for this task. It just left this sense that there’s more to the agents origins than they realize.

Otherwise Ruffalo would be awesome, but I worry that he is a little bit too big for the character. Still could be made to work.

This story and the way it is told is sheer awesomeness.

This is most about personal lamentation of podcasts, but I’ve been trying to get myself to listen to Unspooled again. I had a ton fun listening to the first season, but the second season I kind of found my interest dropping off pretty fast. And now I’m constantly if they found that groove once I stopped listening,

I didn’t see much Shadow, but from what I recall with Rise it was much more complicated than that. If I understood correctly, RoTR actually sold really well, but due to corporate reasons they had announced the original exceptations on a level that were really questionable to begin with. So it wasn’t that Rise was a

Crystal Dynamics didn’t make Shadow. Also while you are right that there was a three year gap between Rise and Shadow, they didn’t announce Shadow before releasing it. At the moment we don’t even have a teaser.

Yet somehow this still feels less like a parody than the actual trailer.

Unrelated to this game, but because it was the last game showed during the presentation.

I got to be honest, I almost started laughing during that trailer as at times it felt so close to a parody of this kind of a game. Like when the gruff voice was explaining how he needs to kill chaos.

And of course Star-Lord is the playable character according to the demo they ran. Because why wouldn’t the most generic option possible be the correct one?

Personally, I keep thinking on the Indian subcontinent as while not as known, there’s so much there to hit on. It would also allow a visual style that I think they could effectively use in their marketing.

While I get the appeal of Vikings, it’s still pretty wild that Valhalla is the biggest AC game yet. Although I guess that it might be some number manipulation on Ubisoft’s side.

While I liked the episode conceptually, for me what hurt it a lot was that the show hadn’t made Wrecker feel like a legitimate threat or a powerhouse even if he is that. Thus when the kicks on, while he does go through the team, he never came across as terrifying as they had gone so out of their way to make him a joke.

There are so many levels happening there that I think I come up with a new aspect every time I read it.