
I read that. My point was literally that it isn’t the Buffy setup. The reason it matters is that if it was just a weak attempt at that, at least I would get what they were going for and it was just a failure. They’re not even clearing that hurdle here.

But Buffy is a really bad comparison here for multiple reasons. While she already knew she was a Slayer, Buffy was constantly running into new threats and expressing confusion about things. Also the show had Xander and Willow to be those entryways to the world. So Buffy, as a show, got those very basic aspects this

I found myself thinking on it more and I don’t think it’s even the star power question. To use a very old example, think of Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith in MiB. If True had a Smith like character to bounce off, I feel she would work so much better, but while Penance is naturally a lighter character, she is similarly

This is a personal opinion, but to me Donnelly’s Mrs True is the biggest weakness of the show and a really weird choice to be the primary character. It’s that she’s a bad character, even if I myself find her extremely dull, but that she rather would work a secondary character. Here, she’s a mysterious character in a

As a sidenote, I was really taken by to realize that the season has six episodes as that this insane amount of story to try to cram in to that short of a run. I think that is also hurting the show somewhat is tha there is no way in character, no one who is learning of the world along with the viewer. Instead all of

Thought this was by far the best episode of the show so far, main reason being that it felt like only here it really allowed that character focus and dialogue that built them up as characters and gave them depth. I don’t it is a coincidence that that required them to move away from the main two charaters, but the

This is such a weird change that I don’t even know what to make of it. Will have to admit, though, that it does cause me some concern as no matter how good The Knick was, one of the core reasons Perry Mason’s first season was as great as it was because of the voice it had. Which will inherently be something different

On the GRC/Flagsmasher stuff, I completely get what you mean. I’m fairly confident that if I asked the showmakers to explain GRC to me, their explanation would be falling apart four sentences and one question later.

I didn’t even want them to have Karli lower the gun, but for them just not make it clear that she was going to shoot Sam. It also made his reaction to Sharon afterwards befuddling as he seemed frustrated and angry with her before kneeling to comfort Karli in her dying moments and hearing her apology.

...You mean aside from the praise I gave the last two episodes of the show?

That Sharon revelation was so dumb despite being pretty likely for a few episodes now as I cannot comprehend her actions in Episode 3 at all. Like she is solely and completely responsible for losing the Supersoldier formulas and I cannot understand what she was trying to accomplish there.

To start with the big positive, I really liked Sam’s character journey over the show and what he as a character represented. There is a sense of earnestness and ability to rise back up to the character that truly manages to make him an inspiring character for me. And as such, there is a sense of achievement in this

Two things. First, that doesn’t actually address my criticism of the character presentation. Second, it is difficult to get why the logic of why she opposed the GRC when the GRC itself is utterly incomprehensible.

I’ve seen this argument be made, but I don’t think it really addresses the core issue with the Karli storyline. It just probably would have made it even messier than it now is. Impossible to say for certain, though.

Tell me one scene in the films where Steve was presented to have been on the wrong side of any situation?

I would agree with that if the sense of escalation regarding her actions was at all consistant in the show.

As an additional note, I feel another issue with the show is that it does want to be about complex symbols, but it has huge difficulties committing to what it is saying. For example, there seems to be a question how American self-rightenousness is perceived globally, but then it just from having that discussion.

I think I fundamentally disagree that Steve Rogers’s legacy should be an easy one to explain, as he was the greatest, swellest human being who ever lived and whose codename was literally Captain America. The inherent problem with that was once summed by a positive review which argued that Steve’s superpower was that

But I don’t know if you can separate the rights related to that voice actor’s work from this particular example as isn’t the use of that tech at the heart of criticism against it? Yes, they aren’t selling the mod, but one of the promotional of it is that it uses the voice actor’s voice without the permission of either

That part was more in reference to the other examples given about people getting sued for their ‘art’.