
I’m a little bit torn on this article. There is a general point about mods I agree with as I don’t think that they are some overall horror in gaming, with the exception of multi-player games. Yet almost every example used here causes me to take a step back and think it is actually a bizarre statement to make. Not even

Just a couple of notes on a few characters:

For me, one of the big issues with the show is that it relies a lot on twists and turns, I’d argue far more than actual building up characters, but as a combination of those two every revelation just kind of happens.

I’m perhaps most surprised by how little it shocks me that Caviezel would have those views, especially from my beloved Person of Interest cast.

Captain Marvel is a bad example to make that argument with as she hasn’t been a big major featured player in the MCU for that long. And even the way she’s been pushed has felt more that they wanted a female big gun in the Avengers.

I’m really confused here waht is the point you are trying to make as in the very first sentence of my previous response I agreed that was what they were attempting to do. The rest of it was me explaining why it was a very dumb thing to try because it means absolutely nothing.

This is unrelated to the topic here, but it just hit me that man would I want to see Bruhl’s Zemo in that show.

As already pointed out, Zemo put the mask in that awful Episode 3.

But I wasn’t disputing your reading, I think that is what they were attempting to do, I just don’t think they succeeded it at all.

I guess that could be the attempt, but it didn’t work for me in that manner. I mean, if he is at peace with death, it still feels a bit of a natural reaction to flinch when someone fires a gun at your face.

What show was delayed because of the Pandemic? Also it took a moment to get adjust for JLD because my instant reaction due to the surroundings was ‘...Selina?’.

As a sidenote, wanted to add another awesome interaction from this episode. Bruhl did such a great job in that scene wtih Bucky which was also a really call back to his encounter with Black Panther in the Civil War film. It managed to really efficiently convey that, while not suicidal, Zemo does not ultimately care if

While I really liked this episode and was glad to see the series bounce up from that horrific third episode, there were some minor things that frustrated me here. So let’s be negative.

That warehouse to start the episode was fantastic with so many great moments. Especially the shot of the unmasked Walker with his blue eyes and blond hair looking crazed and screaming ‘I am Captain America’ was such a striking image. The way he took both Sam and Bucky also established him as that big threat to build

Not comparable at all. That wasn’t even a neutral option in the same sense as it was making these two sides to have peace, which could not have happened with the Mages/Templars as it would have messed up the end game.

To me the thing with the music in DA2 is that, like majority of other aspects of it, it just has that personality to it that, again to me, is lacking with the other DA games.

ME3 wasn’t actually that rushed, again the games need to come out at some point, and I think there’s a discussion on how ‘clear’ that actual was compared to just design choices.

The combat system choices in DAI ar perplexing as almost everything feels like a step back or doesn’t feel like it works like intended. Take for example the limited healing. When it was announced during development, the lead encounter designer wrote this long post about how it was a really good thing because in that

What wave mechanic so frustrating that it was clearly another victim of the damn rush. If you look at the first Act or the DLC that came out, you could see the concept of it was pretty good as it brought uncertainty to combat. The number of waves was uncertain there, it required being aware of both the environment and

One of the few consolations about DA2 gaining that new appreciation is that hopefully the DA4 development will now look also at that game and what it did well. It felt like ‘Don’t do anything that DA2' was a guiding developmental principle in DAI and I thought it really hurt the game on a lot of fronts.