
It’s kind of interesting, I replayed DAO and DA2 over a year ago and something I realized, or at least would strongly argue, is that what made DAO special now feels somewhat dated while DA2 somehow felt even better than before. I could go in to so much more detail on that and certain perceptions on DAO, but feel it

What I am about to write is extremely petty and I apologize for it advance. I will also freely admit that this is affected by my love for DA2 as well as having suffered throught the absolutely toxic forum experiences when it first came out as people were actively trying to suppress positive discussions on it.

I’ll be honest, I have no idea they would have implemented that third choice. Doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t have worked, just that every idea I can come up for the neutral option feel really underwhelming considering the stakes at that point. Also on that Anders point, even if you could interrogate Anders, I strongly

Dragon Age 2 is the only game I really wish had gotten that full developmental cycle, the explanation to my general view being that games need to come out at some point. Considering what it achieved even with that rushed dev cycle is just staggering, I can only imagine what they would have been able to do with the

Like you wouldn’t believe. One of the core reasons people want to be contestant on the show is access to the social media ecosystem.

I am grateful for that, although I am now honestly amused by the number of responses assuming I was being serious.

Man, Colbert does not come across well in that interview. How many times does Taylor have to tell him that that song wasn’t about him for him to accept it? I always thought he seemed like a down-to-earth guy, so seeing something like this is really disappointing.

While I personally agree that the game has a lot of intristic issues, I don’t think the lack of lore was the problem there. Actually, I’d argue the opposite in that they were too loyal to the world created in the original CP. The thing with the original books and the 90s corporate dystopian future they represented was

Agree to really hard disagree there.

He’s not on WWE’s payroll. He was a visiting star that guested on two SDLs and had a spot in the Mania where he took a stunner. He wasn’t coming back regardless of this.

I don’t know if that remains a relevant question after she had someone start indiscrimantely shooting in to an opera full of people. While I’m certain there’s a tragic backstory coming, it’s not exactly a most nuanced of ponderings.

One of the laziest scenes in this episode, which is saying a lot, was when that hedonist guy whose name I didn’t bother to remember wakes up and the camera pans to the breasts of the woman sleeping next to her.

I need to ask something as it is quite possible misunderstood something in that scene, but I couldn’t make any of what happened at the Opera.

As a sidenote, when they introduced the benefactor’s brother, I groaned as I instantly knew he would be Penance’s romantic interest as they it did seem like his utter lack of basic social skills is supposedly endearing. When that shared look then happened at the theater, I muffled a scream.

I almost stopped watching after the first 15 minutes as it was just such an insane tonal mess from the word go. The insane exposition scenes did little to help matters, although they did provide some unintentional hilarity in how bafflingly clumsy they were. I’m not writing that you can’t have seriousness with quirky

Not just Ammonite, it’s been a joked about trend about how lesbian stories worth telling only existed back then. Although it was also weird as that sketching scene was almost directly referencing Portrait, except it ignores certain aspects of it? It’s superweird.

But the very examples you use are missing my point. If in a monster movie they would reference Jaws and Alien, it would be fine as they would be within that genre even if they were good.

Decent episode of SNL and I personally really liked that cold open. Redd as the weatherman was a really neat touch that elevated the scene.

I’ll be honest, while I thought the basic premise the sketch solid take on an already joked about trend, that shot at Portrait of A Lady on Fire took me out of it. Because it is mocking these films made by dudes and starring straight actresses, and the first example they list is a film made by an openly queer woman

Oh, I wasn’t defending the bill and I do think it should be overturned. Just that there are signals it might potentially backfire on the Republicans.