
Fun fact, the actual analysises I’ve seen made about the voter suppression acts indicates that there is a pretty good likelihood it won’t actual affect the election results that much. Georgia’s next election is going to be the test.

But the fact that you didn’t remember what Karli did reflects how much it doesn’t fit with happens in this episode as none of the characters really behave like she just committed cold blooded mass murder. It’s what makes the bombing of that building feel so odd.

I don’t even know how to respond to this, considering it starts by questioning if blowing up a bunch of helpless hostages you yourself tied up is really a war crime.

Yeah, I’m actually really surprised how well the actor was able to carry that transformation as I don’t personally think the script for it was that strong. This episode was, but the groundwork before this felt lacking. Yet the actor clearly had enough of knowledge of where it was heading to really make it work.

Enjoyed this episode and considered a vast improvement of the previous, as small of a hurdle as that is. It was still really dumb a lot of the time, but in a way that wasn’t distracting and it had those character moments that allowed just being in that moment in the screen. Although I will admit I was a bit amused how

I saw that pointed out by Fisher and it is a damaging point, especially since that defense wasn’t from a rumor, but from a statement put out by Johns’s peeps.

On the latter part, as wild is it now to think on, Johns was one most celebrated comic book writers around in the aughts. Additionally he has lost a lot of creative input in recent years as the DCU in itself seems to be moving in a very different direction than he tries to assert in his weird comic book events that

Jesus Christ, the clarification from Johns’s reps is even more astonishing than I thought. And I actually had to take a lot of pauses when starting to write this as my mind is struggling to handle.

Somehow the clarification is even more baffling, especially since it’s not like the first thing I think of when I see Cameron Cuffe is ‘Oh, that’s Cavill alright’. Unless Johns thinks that the requisite is a generic square-jawed white guy. Actually the more I go to that trap, Krypton doesn’t even take place in the

As further context, this is in the middle while Erdogan is withdrawing Turkey from the European agreement to prevent and combat violence against woman. Based on news reports, he is doing this to appeal to his conservative base as his political standing in Turkey has become much more precarious of late, hopefully

Dude, when Kevin McCarthy is refusing to back you and talking about removing your positions, you really took a wrong turn somewhere. This is a guy who doesn’t want to hold anyone in his party responsible for the Capitol storming, but is willing to let go like that of Gaetz?

I think you are somewhat underestimating the capability of a professional female masseuse there, that part I don’t find that odd at all.

Now playing

By the way, I wanted to link to a surprisingly good breakdown of the case that is a few days old, but still illuminating.

There was actually a really good SI interview with a Houston based massage therapist not involved in a lawsuit against Watson who told of a similar experience with Watson. The reason it was beneficial was that not only did it provide a concrete story of what happened, but also because Buzbee’s media circus has been so

I’d also add that Fisher specifically pointed out that they weren’t pushing catchphrases on the characters, although Aquaman’s My Man was something I did know I needed.

Couple of things. First, yeah, it wouldn’t have been the 4 hour version, it would have been 2.5 hour version for the theaters, Snyder has talked about that. Second, have you actually watched the Snyder Cut? Because when I state Whedon made everything worse, I mean that he reshot scenes to mitigate the roles of

Hell, not only that. Look at what he did with Wonder Woman and her scenes.

This is due to my comic book fandom, but to me the most illuminating part of the interview was that he finally went into some details about Johns.

For me it’s really difficult to genuinely look at the changes Whedon made to the Justice League movie and not find Fisher’s allegations credible based just on that. Almost every single one of them somehow managed to either be demeaning to or remove agency from POC and female characters. It is honestly an astonishing

I’m somewhat as you state that you state that it is a big thing that she lost a huge opportunity because of this, yet everything else you write is about how this is not that big of a deal?