
To me that was one of those moments in the episode that I couldn’t comprehend what it was even trying to say, but sure sounded deep, didn’t it?

Before really going in to that shrugging response of yours, I feel the need to provide some context for its tone. I’ve now for about a decade been doing volunteer work with the teenagers, who by the way say ridiculously stupid things. It’s not okay when they say it and we’ve had constant discussions with various teens

My favorite part is that in his list of priorities paying for sex needs to be addressed first, and only then having sex with a minor.

It was a good point, but Jason didn’t make it, it was one of the guests. Jason instead just kept on ranting how dark and relentless every DC movie is.

The following is pure speculation, but I think at some point June got frustrated at being kind of a joke on the show. Which is completely understandable as it did come across as them laughing how dumb she was. However, when trying distance herself from that, she just became really serious where either she wouldn’t

Okay, while I naturally respect your different take on the episode, I’m really confused as you attributing a lot of stuff said to Jason that he never said there. To start, there was nothing analytical from his approach, that was more the guest. I don’t think he liked the movie, if he did, he sure as hell hid it well

Evans is an interesting example, althought not necessarily for the reason you present here.

Jason came off horribly in that episode and I legitimately could not get his point at times. Again, it’s not that I expected any of them the like the movie, but just the overall hostility Jason about liking it while whining about how he has a right to dislike the film was just... I could not comprehend it.

I thought that HDTGM was somewhat infuriating to listen as it was really weird. It wasn’t even that they were justifying disliking it, because I don’t think that’s anything anyone needs to justify, but rather that they were constantly talking themselves down from appreciating it. The tone was so weird that it was

Oh, I’m also positive on KStew and I think you raise a good point about the start of her career. However, it is also does bring up this question we don’t know the answer to: If Stewart’s career was not impacted by coming out because of how she had directed her career after that, then if she had instead tried to

Really intriguing piece on the subject. Personally, I’m a bit torn on the cancel culture discussion as a whole. Largely, I do agree that it is this boogeyman concept that is astonishingly often proclaimed about considering that it is supposed to silence people. Also by making those claims, those parties are actively

It’s hard argue against that fear that Winslet is talking about as those roles do become limited once you come out in Hollywood.

I think the most illuminating point of the sketch how it once reminded everyone that Trump has absolutely no loyalty to anyone without making it a focal point.

I don’t know if they legitimately are, but it would be kind of hilarious as the sketch instantly points out why it would be dumb.

Those cut-for-time sketches for a bit weird as I thought their average quality was actually higher than what made the show. Subjective tastes and all that, but usually you get a sense why soemthing was cut, but not really with these.

I made a similar point elsewhere in the discussion. I legitimately don’t expect MCU shows to stand up to some kind of detailed scrutiny as the movies themselves often took really easy ways out. As long as it is stylish and action is good, I usually shrug stuff like this away.

I think, for me, the most alarming part about that trailer was how disjointed it felt. It is still just a trailer, but it generally doesn’t promise good when it struggles to set a tone.

I agree with all this, which was made the show’s decision to have Karli, whose name I keep writing wrong, commit mass murder of bound hostages at the end so staggering.

What I couldn’t understand was how did Bucky get the note or know who to give it to? I mean did he stop to write down on the way out?

To continue a little bit roughly on the subject, what annoys me is that it currently feels like if a superhero movie/show even acknowledges weighty issues, they should be patted on the back on just for doing it. Actually looking at how they discuss it is the secondary, especially the first round of reviews.