
This is where the ‘Sharon is the Power Broker’ thing also becomes very difficult for me. Let’s be honest, the show can still do the twist as this is a really dumb show, but now it wouldn’t feel as cool for me because it really cheated in making it feel impossible due to this.

The thing is I don’t genuinely expect that much from action properties and can handle coincidences. My expectations for MCU stuff is also generally not as high as you as they go for cheap solutions all the time and that is fine.

Absolutely fair point, although to my defense it used to drive me nuts with those films as well. Especially after they got so much praise about tackling such big issues.

I still can’t figure out how they communicated that jail break plan? As apparently they were being monitered due to Zemo starting to ask about the book thing, and that was enough?

Just because this episode was so stupid, that Smiling Tiger stuff was insane. I get having Sam pretend to be someone else, but then it was clear that everyone in the bar knew Smiling Tiger, to the degree that the bartender knew a very bizarre drink that Tiger liked to drink, yet no one could tell that it wasn’t him.

This was one of the frustrating parts of the show as they told us Isiah was a super-soldier and that the new serum was derived from his blood samples, but did not bother yet at all to explain how he became a super-soldier? Or why he was now living in a house with a grandkid? Yet they also felt like people just got the

No, I understood they had worked for the Broker, but what I could not comprehend is that after stealing those vials Karli decided to call someone working for the Broker, who did not seem to care that much for her, in order to ask for help and provide information that could easily be used to track her down.

I honestly almost threw my screen on the wall when Karli blew up that building, especially afterr the episode spent so much resources on showing her side. Of course it didn’t help that at no point could I understand why that UN organization was holding back supplies, but that is another thing altogether.

I hadn’t thought of that option and it would salvage some of the insanity, but that sequence utterly insane. I mean there’s so much other stuff what happened there and it was all so damn clumsy.

Late addition, but I forgot one of the crown jewels of this episode. The reason our heroic (?) trio is able to track down Karli is that she called the scientist involved with the criminal boss to ask if he could help this very specific person. Like what the actual hell was that?

One the issues I am having with the show at this point is that it feels like it wants to say meaningful things, which is a good thing, but it never commits to really saying anything. It might change, but so far it is a weird one. Like the fact that they never go into detail about how Isiah became a Supersoldier, which

In the last half of this episode, I honestly had to pause every few moments as I just kept incredulously burst in to laughter how stupid everything was. Like you could genuinely take almost every major scene from this episode and run it as an action movie parody.

Jesus Christ, reading about this dude’s is more and more astonshing.

Dark Knight is still one of my most powerful movie theater experiences and I always instantly list this film among my favorites.

Curiosity question in that case as were you reading the comics before the movie? As that had been Joker’s portrayal far before the movie. The shift to that started already in the 80s.

In a certain way I can see the idea of trying something like the Trench movie as you want to play around and do those different kinds of movies. One of the smarter decisions by WB is to allow DCEU movies be all these different kinds of things, so why not a monster movie?

Yeah, although it is kind one of those sad examples about how the big challenge for female directors is getting another chance after a failure.

I just couldn’t stop laughing when Gaetz started ‘Surely, Tucker, the woman you met on a random dinner with me two years ago’. It’s just that what the hell could you even say to that in response?

Well, I guess every report that pointed out that the bug fixing was taking away resources from DLC development just had no ideas how the industry works. By the same token the fact that we haven’t even had an announcement of a single piece oof DLC for the game is pure chance and completely be design.

It also doesn’t fit in at all with his general defense that he hadn’t had an inappropriate relationship with a minor as in that case how would him being generous with his girlfriends be a problem at all?