
I think a core problem with the Forces was that it is too large an entity to introduce in just one comic book as each of the representatives of the Forces would be among the most powerful beings on the planet. So bringing them in in this epic crossover story would make them feel that, while just having them peeps

Well, I don’t know that having a son that’s not yours biologically, adoption or any kind of legal measure can be called a secret. Just because what exactly is even being hidden in that situation?

I realize that Gaetz denied the allegations, but even to include being generous to your ex-girlfriends to your defense against being accused of having relationships with minors is a one hell of a decision.

Yeah, but that makes it even weirder for me. As they are pitching stuff to investors who already probably know how well that worked for other companies. Also, I’ll be honest, if I was an investor and someone pulled those lines on me, I’d be so looking at other companies at that very moment.

I’ve read those CDPR statements multiple times already and I cannot comprehend what they are trying to say. Or rather, of course I understand the words, but it is so hazy and baffling that I can’t understand what they are hoping to achieve with this. Everything is superweird and making promises of technology while

Which require more financial investment in producing of versions and of which both consoles will take their cut. Also I’ve seen a lot of the X-Box versions of CB already promise that the next console version of it is included. And based on my Google search, the PS4 version is also marketed as including the PS5 version.

Eh, I’ll wait until I see the performances as it is such a huge part of it all.

Yes, it slows down DLC. At which point DLC isn’t being published. I don’t quite understand the argument here. Let’s put it like this, what piece of DLC has CDPR even announced yet?

I have to admit I suspect we don’t know Cyberpunk’s full financial impact for a long while yet. While it a ton of money, it’s also the most expensive game made so far, they had a huge marketing campaign and now they have to spend resources on bug-fixing instead of producing DLC which could generate them more income.

I’ll be honest, while I haven’t yet read who they are going to organize the stage performances in the vision, this would be a surrpise for me if it got the actual final.

I actually think this is a much better fit than McKinnon would have been. Yeah, Kate would probably done a better job with the voice, but there was so much more to Holmes than that. And I’ll be honest, to me Kate doesn’t have that energy you need to carry Holmes, especially the way she appealed to the investors.

I’ve been binging through the first season of Warrior and it has been quite delightful so far with some neat twists. Actions great, the actors are pretty good and I do think it is a really excellent viewpoint to a certain period of history and how that language often comes back the same.

I’ve seen pointed out that considering how fast Fox News freaked out and retracted the moment the lawsuit even became a possibility indicates that it is a very dangerous for them.

I did like the movie a lot, but characters of Konrad and Weaver were so baffling to me that their presence began to reduce the movie to me. They were probably the only characters there with no arcs, yet constantly prominent in the story. It was an instance where you could feel the studio note that you need a

Curiously, I’d argue not at that point. This is more of a plot arc that rom-coms, at least in my opinion, only really started hitting in the aughts when they hit their boom.

What makes this even more insane is that Georgia’s Republican led state government made a big deal about their defense of their Presidential election and how there was no voter fraud there. Then directly after it they enact draconian laws to protect against voter fraud.

Well, the article is speaking about an adaption of the book that is being done now, so it is a relevant subject. Also the reason the subject came up is that the creator of the show claimed that there were LGBT characters in the books, which is a deeply questionable claim.

I remember that when I was reading the books ages ago, this was the first fantasy epic where the gender roles actually started to feel uncomfortable to me. And I don’t mean with that every other fantasy I read was somehow enlightened or that I had even considered it before, but with this series it was so woven in to

I realized that it had been so long since I read those books that only after reading that last question did it really hit me how many problematic issues that books series has. Not just the LGBT presentation, which was yikes, but the whole gender dynamics is kind of messed up.

I wouldn’t go that far, but the dig on Fisher is kind of funny. So if you actually compare the Whedon version and the Snyder Cut, almost every change in the theater release reduced the presence/agency of female and POC characters. This isn’t a hypothetical, it’s been commented already a lot by people who have done