
I don’t really want a Ayer cut of the film, but it is kind of funny as it exists in a more final form than the Snyder Cut was even near to when WB greenlit it.

I do love how AVClub cannot help but to be themselves in that description of the Snyder Cut reception.

Considering that Rose had already expressed willingess to come back to guest on the show, man did that fallout between the producers and have to have been something.

Absolutely loved Justice League Snyder Cut. The characters are better, their arcs are more touching and the action is stunning. Hell, even Steppenwolfe suddenly made sense as a villain and was given depth. What I found extremely interesting/baffling, though, was what was changed for the Whedon version. Almost all the

There’s this point I’ve seen made, articulated really well in multiple places, is that what they did Cyborg was absurd. Even when you consider that they were cutting for time, they added new scenes to make Batman suicidal (?) and have people gush over Superman, also can’t forget that Russian family, but simply gutted

The Daily interview was by the way really good. Something not mentioned here about Nicole Hong is that in the interview they mention that she specializes in crime reporting, at least I understood it that way, which allows her to present the case in a way which addresses the general hesitations on them.

I’ll be honest, it’s really difficult to view this as some feel-good moment or victory worthy of celebration. Essentially someone lost their job for tweets they made ten years ago when they 17 years old? And I’m not going to defend those tweets as they were idiotic, but this punishment feels wildly overt considering

Yeah. I mean I know that Square Enix didn’t promise anything on Tomb Raider, but to make this announcement feels like... Rather don’t say anything at all.

I think it’s a legacy thing with them. When they were first starting out, their PR had a habit of taking constant shots at Bioware and, what was worse, enabling the angry parts of the Bioware fanbase by implying they were in the right. It was this effort to set themselves up as the game company that gets it, man, and

That such a bafflingly weird video that... I don’t even know what that was? I mean this isn’t even a Kickstarter situation where people could have already given money to the development of the product, so to enable the behaviour of making such demands of a product with no actual physical investment is bizarre. I’m not

You are to a degree correct that it was my error in the first place to engage with you. And I don’t mean that as a personal attack, but rather when I was writing that long response I realized I just don’t have the energy to relitigate this again and again because I don’t think it honestly affects anything. I mean,

So I wrote a long response to this, with a lot of links and even admitting I couldn’t find a link to one of the claims I had a strong my memory, but couldn’t verify. However, as I looked at it, I realized it doesn’t really matter and I think we both know that. At this point of time, there’s not a single piece of

Yes, this as an absolutely accurate description of the Tara Reade allegation aftermath. It does not oversimplify it at all or ignore the fact that not only a single aspect of her accusation could be verified, she literally started backtracking when there were attempts to find some of that supporting information like

I think one of the reasons why Jezebel being all ride or die with the Reade allegation is that is actually a pretty strong point there about such allegations about public figures. What it showed is both difficult it is to make a false allegation due to the level of due diligence the big news organizations will commit

To be honest, wasn’t the only one of the progressive leaning sites or even the most infuriating one for me.

I was reading this article in awe as the speed in which the site pulled that stance on Biden not commenting around was genuinely impressive.

That trailer completely won me over. When it hit ‘Apples and oranges, Carla’, I pretty much died.

A part of me can’t help but to respect the sheer amount of guts required to imply to reference cases of white women falsely accusing black men of sexual assault... In a situation where a white man is accused ot sexually inappropriate behaviour. I mean is their implication that Cuomo is actually African-American?

This is what confuses me the most about the discussion on Snyder. There is a toxic element of the Snyder fanbase and what they pulled on Twitter in pressuring WB to release his cut is without a doubt idiotic and just bad. I don’t think any sensible person would defend.

I don’t know, I feel there are actually two main reasons Biden and Pelosi don’t want to get involved with this. First is that it is the top elected state official, so there’s a really big barrier for the President and the Speaker start to meddle with those kinds of investigations even by making statements. Second, and