
I binged Pacific Rim Black and while overall I liked it, I was still a bit torn at the end of it. Central chalenge is that while I did like the siblings a lot and the show managed to pleasantly shock me multiple times, as a whole it felt more like a pilot than an actual season.

By the way, when reading of people like this afterwards, it’s always weird as there are these stories that initially felt really minor actual reveal to be really telling.

I’ve read a few articles which really flesh out how Cuomo’s style of burning bridges and leading by bullying isn’t the best if you have something like this brewing in the background. Also, I realize that you need an extreme personality to want to be a top political leader, but even by that standard Cuomo seems to be

That ‘I don’t take lines from anyone’ quote had me laughing so hard. Like I completely believe that just because I can’t imagine anyone would make up something so randomly petty. That must have been such an awkward moment as what the hell do you even say there.

Legitimately surprised by the fact that they moved away from Harrison. I guess it could be a temporary measure, but the difficulty of bringing him back is that the moment they do that it will remind everyone why he stepped away in the first place.

On a personal opinion on the job systems, I get the developer’s point of view as I don’t personally find it that enjoyable to have to worry if I messed up with the job system the degree that my group is hindered in the game. I do like choices in leveling up and am fine with there being better/worse paths, but when you

Pillars of Eternity had balancing and gameplay issues, so it isn’t necessarily just you. Although it was kind of funny because they worked things over and got a lot of the system kinks figured out for PoE2, where in turn the combat became bafflingly easy as a result.

That is an interesting situation and I do wonder how it would have affected my own perception. As, I don’t know how you viewed Rise, but to me it was difficult to understand the choices in Shadow after all the things they got right in the second part.

Now I know it is easy to jump to conclusions here, but she did clarify that there were a few good ones there. And would someone who was racist allow for such sentiments?

Eh, I didn’t like the comic personally. I’m one of those who actually love the choice at the end of Life is Strange and, for me personally, the comc’s approach of trying to have it every way really didn’t work.

To me, my own personal high point of Shadow highlights those pacing issues. When the refinery fight happened, I was giggling as it was Lara just embracing herself as this ultimate badass and it was glorious. Yet after that... It’s just going to an old convent to explore around like nothing happened. It had these good

I think I can give that to Shadow as overall the level and exploration design was pretty good in it. Would even acknowledge the best in the series from a technical standpoint.

High five on loving the first Life Is Strange. Can’t comment on Before the Storm, though, as that was one game I never thought needed a prequel.

I thought the character storytelling in RoTR was magnificent, especially if you had played TR, so it was a high bar to hit, but SoTR was just so all over the place. Like at the end of the RoTR I understood all the central motivations, characters arcs and what had happened. At the end of Shadow, I was just befuddled by

I know I’m going to give it another try, especially if a new Tomb Raider game is coming, so here’s hoping that those post-release tombs rise my enjoyment to the same degree.

I had completely missed that they were announcing a new Tomb Raider game, even if it does make sense considering when the last one came out.

No issues at all about the lenght and thank you for the thoughtful explanation. I will also freely admit that I am a part of the priviliged section of the population which does affect my own perspectives.

That would be a weird thing for me to assert over progressives considering I just claimed to be one. If you are actually read my comment carefully, you might notice I’m constantly referring to the initial comment that I responded to and which begun this discussion.

Believe it or not, I’m a progressive, so I do get the eternal fight. However, what I still find a bit confusing here is that I don’t considerin the initial comment I responded to as an attempt to engage anyone in discussion and is, as you for some reason put in air quotes, quite aggressive on its stance. Hence, to

I’ll be honest, this one made me laugh so hard that I’m feeling a bit guilty about it.