
While I kind of understand your point, which is by the way the reason I pointed the fight is eternal, my question would be that why should I not take it at face value progressives speaking like that? If it is their choice to present their stance in absolutes, why is it on me to assume that they don’t really mean that?

I’m guessing Manchin is the big one when it comes to those drives.

I mean good because the fight is eternal, but it also feels somewhat weird to set the bar that total victory is the only thing that matters and small accomplishments on the way there don’t really count for anything.

That ‘No one ever told me at the time that I made the uncomfortable’ made me just stared the scene at a stunned silence for a moment. If that is Cuomo’s current defense, I’m almost hesitant to guess what accusations are in the wings as that is something.

I know Biden did acknowledge during his campaign and that there have been some backtracking, but I’m still kind of astonished how big of a swing the administration took the progressive side.

I hope I’m corrected if I’m wrong, as man last year was long, but wasn’t there some news reports that at least some of the checks last year were delayed because of the decision to put Trump’s name on them?

What makes this is even weirder is that they are incentivizing the publishers to do exactly what they are protesting against. Now to those estates know that if they want to drive up the sales of their books, they just need to announce that they are pulling a few minor ones off circulation for some woke reasons.

I’ve seen it pointed out several times that this is one of the most baffling retaliations in ages. Because the right-wing hype circuit has made this about cancel culture, instead of the publisher’s own decision, they have now rewarded the publisher by buying a lot of Seuss books.

Okay, thanks for the link.

Oh, I assumed it was something like that, but that wasn’t my point. That’s interpretation is only valid if one side of the political dispute is right, in which case it isn’t something obscured by the political debate.

Okay, can you provide me some evidence that both Odyssey and Valhalla were originally intended as female lead games? Or any of the other claims here?

Such is the case with questions of taste.

Jesus Christ that abstract was even worse than I expected. It is also makes clear the operating assumption necessary for this interpretation which would be nice if there was any truth to it. To those not wanting to read the abstract, he approaches it from the perspective that as there was an increased need for brothel

Part of me wonders if the White House intentionally sat on these benefits instead of making it instantly a big selling point was that they knew that the other fights over the relief bill would take so much air from the room that they could fly stuff like this in under the radar. And yes, I regret the fact that was all

I have to be honest, I don’t necessarily find that explanation satisfactory or even plausible. Even if the marketing department wanted to focus on Jacob, there was little need to almost completely remove Evie from the hype material to that degree. Especially since it wasn’t first time they’d had to market a female

Really? That is insane, especially considering how the game plays and how much it features Jacob. Seriously, if that is the case, they had to completely rewrite the game which does explain a lot of weird narrative things about Syndicate.

Two things. First of all, Basim’s not a new man. That’s kind of a big point, I won’t go deeper in to that.

I mean yes and no, but I feel you are giving the game far more credit it deserves.

What made the ending of AC2 even more hilarious was that they clearly had run out of time during the game’s development and decided to punt two chapters to DLC. Which would normally be completely fine and understandable, except they chose the two chapters just before the final confrontation where Ezio sees the cost of

While I see the argument for it here, and can even agree to a degree on a conceptual level, I have to disagree with it being the best due to the narrative execution of it. The whole point of the final mission was how Evie and Jacob had to work together again after their approaches had caused a rift between them, but