
That Awkward Zombie captures the hilariousness of the Cyberpunk stealth approach so, so perfectly.

I mean, Kobe knew basketball better than I ever could, but I still struggle to see how it would be possible just due to the different physical sizes and capabilities. The worst player is kind of a tricky position as that player will not see a lot of gametime. So I guess if the argument is that a woman can sit on the

But I wasn’t referring to the sixth place finisher, I was talking about the girls who finished third or fourth here and who could claim to be state champions if these transathletes weren’t competing in a state with a bafflingly lax approach to the competetiveness issue. They didn’t complain here and I don’t know how

To me, what makes the argument clear is that there are still a lot of women’s track and field world records held by Eastern block athletes from the 80s who were using steroids to an absurd degree. Although, based on these articles, it’s just that none of the female athletes afterwards were just as good as those women

While I don’t personally think Semenya should have been banned, it was a hell of a lot more complicated situation than that.

Moment of honesty. I don’t think there’s a woman alive who could play in the NBA even if that limit was removed. The problem here is that you are focused on skill while the question should be capability.

What causes me pause with that latter paragraph, and this where I legitimately don’t know what is the right answer, is that if we admit that at least on a high school lever, those track results could very much impact the scholarships and opportunities those women could have. At which point if we acknowledge that there

ANW is actually pretty good example because, at least when I used to watch it, they kept moving towards tracks that were optimal for certain heighs, leaning towards taller people, as well as requiring upper body and grip strenghts. It is understandable as they make for really flashy and impressive looking successes,

Oh I agree that those are two separate questions, but I would argue my issue is that it doesn’t feel like the article treats them as such.

To add on that, it wasn’t just her, but another trans athlete then took that other top spot while competing. While the article does mock a lot the fact that the girl who made the complaint came in sixth in the race, it does ignore the girls who came in 3rd and 4th. It is true that those girls did not complain, at

I’m so torn on this article. At the same time, I’m deeply sympathetic towards Andraya about her struggles and the abuse she had to face. She is a person who should be allowed to live her life without being the focus of such mean spirited persecution. However, at the same time, I already knew from past experience on

There is a somewhat amusing typo in the article as the instagram post quotes Johns stating ‘we can’t have a angry Black man at the center of the movie’ while the article changes it to can. Which in turn alters the context of the statement to a weird direction.

Oh, that was a definite part of Conan’s initial run and I was actually wondering if to include that in my comment, but didn’t want to turn it in to an essay. Adding, when Amy Schumer did that sketch about going on a talk show where the host just makes those comments, the first response was that it was about Conan.

I legit stopped to stare at the screen when I got to ‘Rose Byrne’s 80s set aerobic drama’.

Something that I do find somewhat striking is that when you think of the lateshow hosts of the 90s, it’s Conan O’Brien who probably has the strongest legacy at the moment. Which I don’t see anyone saw coming.

As a late addition, have to mention the final boss encounter in Arkham Knight. Not only is it narratively beautiful, but it flips the boss encounter concept so hard that I didn’t even initially think of it as such.

Despite my deep love for Dragon Age 2, I’m still almost shocked that Meredith came to my mind first.

This was one of the those situations where I thought this episode was struggling with something I couldn’t put to words , but when I saw the headline I instantly knew that had been my problem as well. It is really remarkable to see the difference in Page and Jonas as the way they were able to handle that weird energy

Thanks, I did actually try to look up the transcript itself, but didn’t find it quickly enough.

Oh, I completely agree with that. And the thing is, I completely believe that the original intent with the scene is closer to what you are suggesting, as for all her faults I just don’t see ScarJo going out there to film a scene where she establishes that sterilized women are monsters. It is just that they made such