
I have a huge problem with this argument. It’s not that it doesn’t agree with the read on the scene, but rather the claim that it is somehow misunderstood. It’s not, like legitimately it is not, but rather this is a question how of one views dialogue and its implicitations.

I mean, agree to heavily disagree on that as that to me was the clear reading of that scene. On a larger level, regarding that scene, I can see why people have different interpretions even I disagree with them, what I do struggle with is this absolute sense that who read the scene in that way is just... Apparently

What confused me deeply was that this post came up after Manchin backing had been confirmed, so I couldn’t figure out how the Republicans will decide on Haaland anymore as they don’t have the majority to block it.

For me, ‘V for Vendetta’ is one of those movies that I end up rewatching for one reason or another every few years and at the start of it, I’m wondering if I’m just glorifying it in my memories. Yet, every single time, at the end of it I’m in tears again.

I’m actually really excited to read this. As much as I love Ravenloft, as I read the campaign books for it again about a year back, I realized how much its narrow view on horror almost confined it as there was a weird amount of repetition and some of the realms felt pretty underwhelming because of it. Especially the

...What the actual fuck, Zack? Yeah it only wraps up Eivor’s journey and forces him/her to examine their actual actions within the world. No big deal.

It’s a bold strategy, but somehow also seems to be his most realistic way to victory at this point?

You are not, but from what I understood, that’s not the issue here. This is actual more about the fight within the Democratic party about who they should nominate as the next Supreme Court Judge than the fear about Republicans blocking the process. Especially since it was actually Trump who removed the veto right from

At first I was a bit annoyed when Aidy came out as Cruz, I don’t remember if she’s been him before, as it felt too much of a cheap laugh to have a woman play him. After that sketch, I’m fully on board with Bryant!Cruz.

Hell, the dude’s probably going to work Wrestlemania and already did a gem of a dive which probably gave his record company a heart attack.

To be honest, I personally much more concerning than the Rowling stuff. Now this isn’t to state people can’t make decisions on if to buy the game based on their feelings on her, but to me there is a separation there. However, for a person in that position being so active on these issues makes it very difficult for me

If you are remembering it right, I both completely missed that article and fundamentally disagree with it.

To me, the most shocking revelation was that there was a Canadian TV show about the Pinkertons, co-produced by the Pinkertons, and all the cases they worked on during the 1800s.

As a sidenote, I personally absolutely loved Gardner’s community helper on the Weeked Update. It also felt like it was a concious of her not to make her as much of a sketch character than her other work there as it was just regular woman doing good who kept dressing and talking like Freddy Kruger without realizing it.

SNL decided to just go weird in this episode and it was a sheer delight to watch. I also thought they did a really good job, similarly than with Chalamet, in playing with expectations how they utilized Page as a host. While the monologue did play around with his sexiness, where I got such a kick out of him explaining

And Osaka is ranked third in the world. That isn’t to dismiss what she achieved here, but rather considering her skill level it speaks that this might be one of the top periods in women’s tennis in general as there are a lot of exciting young players and it will probably get even better.

Did not see this one coming. Especially since it isn’t like Criminal Minds is an unique concept that other TV shows haven’t found a way to do.

What drives me nuts is that for all her seeming owning by showing the magasines in them does not change at all that that is a really horrible to have your weapons available. This isn’t even a gun safety thing, because Boebert clearly thinks that’s for losers, but if the idea here is that she needs to have a gun ready