
Thinking on it, I’m actually sad that Kotaku hasn’t done a post about Hamtunscire as it was magnificent and I want to just wax poetic about it. Now it feels awkward, especially since there have people here who are talking about still playing it and I don’t want to spoil a single part of that emotional journey.

Unless I’m misremembering the quest chain. That’s the last region, right? The war?

That is one of damn awesome Easter Egg that I missed. Once the first big DLC hits and I return to the game, I will so be looking this one up.

Really surprised how nice the trailer looked, although I will admit groaning pretty hard that we got generic Cole Young presented as the chosen one instead of Liu Kang. Hell, they should have just gone with Johnny Cage anyway as at least that dude had swagger.

Yeah, I also really struggled with that when reading this.

But that doesn’t, at least for me, defend it at all for two reasons.

I have to admit that it is kind of wild for Riverdale first spend so many years establishing why having a private entity driven by profit given that much control over public projects is an inherently bad idea before presenting that the ultimate solution to big problems is privatization. Like even if it didn’t go

This was such a crazy story that I am still struggling with it. Not surprising, just never even thought about it before reading it at which point it was of course obvious that this would be an issue with the Trump administration.

I don’t necessarily agree about Palicki and Kitsch in that I do think they got chances, but just didn’t manage in to shine in what opportunities they had. While Plemons, in turn, was able to take full advantage of the smaller opportunities at first and build the kind of a base that allowed him to move up and forward.

Hopefully we’ll soon get word on the Ireland DLC as I’m itching to see the next chapter in Eivor’s journey.

Keep the faith over the cairns. Don’t get me wrong, they were horrible sources of nightmares, but if your last three sections are in the south, I thought they were a little bit easier than the northern ones.

My response would be the TV Watchmen show, Captain America: Civil War and the Avengers Infiinity War movies. All of them have jokes in them, but I don’t think anyone would describe them primarily as funny. Now, one can state that the Marvel movies weren’t as dour as Snyder films, which is completely true even if

This actually hits really well on the point I tried to make about Bowen and Gardner above. The reason it to me feels like those two are more familiar with the actual high-end gym environment was the just way they felt familiar with the equipment.

Yes, it is. Good on for you noticing. I hope you allowed yourself an extra cookie as a reward. Also give yourself a pat on the head for me in front fo the mirror for just being all adorable.

I think you are responding to a wrong comment of mine or then you are really making weird connections here. Also okay? I’m not arguing there aren’t toxic fans pushing for that product, although your argument seems kind of hilarious point to make that argument in this particular environment.

Will have to be honest, still hate the original comment, but this response got a genuine laugh of me. Damn you for making me feeling all conflicted and stuff.

Will have to see what the end product looks like, but at the least the trailers are giving me that epic feeling that I’m hoping for. As someone who loved both MoS and BvS, even if it will fail, it will be nice to see Snyder’s end for that story instead of the meaningless JL film. I mean here even if I end up disliking

Oh Jesus Fucking Christ. I was going to write something snarky, but it feels like this comment is so over the top that it is a satire of itself. And I don’t even mean that as a joke.

Or then they considered a spectrum of superhero movies is possible where some have more jokes and others have less. Don’t know, that does seem like an extreme possibility that certainly cannot exist, imagine if things weren’t a binary, but a possibility nonetheless.

I had such a blast with this take on the QAnon conspiracy. At first I couldn’t connect the witch part of it all, but when it hit, I was just cracking up.