
I’m really confused as how is this covered by the First Amendment. And this is a legitimate question as there have always been limitations on which medical treatments are allowed as that is a part of the concept of regulation.

I will freely admit that I laughed so hard at that ‘and perhapts Kelly Loefler’ part of Trump’s tweet. Like that was amazing.

There’s this legitimately hilarious revelation that came out, researched by a pro Trump blog which makes it so much awesome.

I have been playing, and utterly loving, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. As I hoped, they took a really long hard look at Odysseya and what worked there and the story as well as the characters have been wonderful so far. I especially adore the theme of what it means to be a good leader and Eivar is on track to becoming my

You’d think that 20k a day would get you at least a proper hair recoloring?

Something not mentioned here from the Times article is that they used the reported voting discrepancies as the justification for not wanting to certify the Detroit region votes. Which was odd as some of the majority white counties they had already agreed to certify had more reported discrepancies.

I don’t know why we’re mocking Rand Paul for his insight there. I mean, isn’t that how small-pox got eradicated? Herd immunity just working its magic?

What I kind of love is how it feels like anyone who has ever worked, been friends with or just been associated with the Trumps will inevitably end up hating them. That is honestly a gift as with majority of superwealthy people, the kind Trump dreams he could be, there is always that certain core that will tell nice

What I love about that quote that it is so weirdly specific that it is almost certain that is the kind of stuff Ivanka and Jared talk about when meeting their friends. They legitimately seem like the worst mix of being boring, yet utterly convinced that they have so much to say.

As it relates to this, I want to just promote the new Daily episode that discusses the divisions within the Democratic party really well and has pretty good interviews with both AOC and Lamb on the subject. Well worth a listen:

I listened to Maggie Haberman’s, the NYT White House correspondent, interview on the Daily and she touched on all the moves done by Trump. What she said was that she completely understands people’s concerns, she also plainly stated that Trump is not capable of the kind of coordinated effort required to pull off a coup.

Some months ago, the Times did an article where they went in to the heart of evangelical country and interviewed people there about why they support Trump. It was a really illuminating piece in that it did manage to put in to words how different certain perceptions of reality while also expressing how ridiculous

The reason I almost want Trump to go for that media empire, supposedly it would be built off of OAN, is that not only would it split some of the audience from Fox’s talking heads, but Trump is such a horrible businessman that watching its inevitable collapse would hilarious.

If the current lawsuits weren’t so destructive for Democracy, they would be close to comedy gold. As a recent example from Arizona, the court rejected Trump campaign’s request to seal the evidence in their lawsuit over Maricopa county lawsuit as apparently when arguing people’s votes should be discounted, the evidence

Yeah, but this feels counter-intuitive manner to approach the issue. I mean, the recount and everything is going to be done by mid-December, Biden is going to be announced as the winner and he is going to take Georgia. So while they keep pushing the buck farther, it will only be closer to the election day and

Except what they are doing is more likely to keep the democrat voters engaged, which was my point if you bothered reading my initial comment.

But what confuses me about hat strategy, and I’ve read enough reports on it to believe that is what they are doing, is that the runoff dropoff is usually much steeper for Democrat voters, especially among the African-American voters, than for Republican voters. So having the party support Trump in his rejection of the

While I know the odds were very small to begin with, I still feel somewhat comforted here by the knowledge that the top military brass utterly hates Trump.

While I realize I shouldn’t be shocked that 70 % of Republicans think that there was something wrong with the election result, it is still stunning. However, I am confused what the top Republicans see as the end game here.