
That demand by Perdue and Loeffler is so ridiculously wild. I just can’t see how this helps them in the runoff as now they’ve basically forced the Republican government official to continuously state in public that there were no voting irrregularities while they themselves haven’t shown any evidence of it either.

The modern day ending of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey was honestly shockingly bad. It was just utterly narratively incoherent, which is one of the few things I’m legitimately worried about heading in to Valhalla.

As a sidenote, it does seem like the senate polling for Georgia was actually pretty good, at least from what I remember from heading in to the race, so based on that it would seem that Warnock has actually pretty good chance against Loeffler as he was up a lot against her in those 1v1 polls.

I keep going back and forth which side has the edge in these runoffs, especially as I felt a lot of the initial coverage gave the edge to the Republican candidates due to assumptions that this race follows traditional logic. And I don’t think it does.

While it seems pleasantly corny, and I mean that in a positive way, I did get a pretty good laugh at that orphan friend description.

This is a legimate question. How reliable is that Forbes evaluation of Trump property values? As I have a memory about Forbes at least not having been the most trustwortthy source on those in the past. Also the tone of difference in the AP article is really weird when compared to the NYT pieces. Not that they were

Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the fraction of female voters go down for the Republicans?

Jesus Christ, he is even advocating the ridiculous investigation, but just states it is still possible that Trump lost. Holy hell. You know, I suddenly have so much more respect to that one Michican Republican Congressman who went first and essentially he will work with Biden as I can only imagine what happened on his

I’ve read reports, which I find plausible, that the Republican party leadership actually really desperately wants to move on from Trump, but are essentially locked in due to certain polls and analytics. During the election, Republican voters were polled if they identified primarily as Republican voters or Trump

Truly relieved after reading this review, especially as the first paragraph was starting to make me nervous.

I don’t know, the main character does appear to be relatively well defined aside from the gender. I do agree, though, that I do wish that they would reflect the gender in some manner in dialogue at times, even if it is extra resources. Nothing excessive, but just have it be there.

Fair point and I do think that some of the edge in AOC’s comments comes from coming under attack from the moderate wing of the DNC.

Something I find curious, and I assume will be a subject of deep analysis within the party, is how the flipping of Georgia and Arizona will be interpreted. It is beyond question that the grassroots efforts led by progressive parts of the party were the driving for it, but the states flipped for a moderate candidate.

Apparently there are no hotels or fancy places in those reaches, so it makes utter sense to hold it in front of a landscaping company. Name Four Seasons, because there’s no utter way that it will not open them up for extensive mocking. Like it takes effort to look at as pathetic as this.

The resurfacing division in this case between the progressives and moderates, even if it always has been there, is kind of dumb. First of all, it is due to contributions by both sides that the Biden campaign won. There’s not a single battleground state that can be attributed just to the moderate message or the

Another episode where I felt the overall quality of the sketches was pretty solid, although a couple of them suffered from not having that strong final punchline.

Did not expect the Chapelle monologue be such a powerful ride, but man you felt those final words. Will also be honest, it is weird to associate him to the cultural turning points of the Trump presidency, but that is the weird world we live in.

This is pure speculation, but I suspect the early Arizona call from Fox and AP is the primary reason why everyone sat so long on the Pennsylvania call. The problem was that if one of them declared for Pennsylvania, then all had to follow suit because the math was so strong. However, that combined with the Arizona call

I’ll freely admit that the knowledge that Jared messed up the legal effort makes me giggle, especially since he apparently did a stellar job coordinating the campaign as well.

So torn between excited and hesitant on this. The ME trilogy is by far my favorite game series and what it achieves is magnificent, especially since I’m one of those who loves ME3. However, as my first thought was that I guess I’m doing another playthrough of the trilogy here, I realized that it means I have to replay